fluenz 4.1

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otázka odpověď
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to be born
yo naci en poland
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I was born in Poland
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to grow
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to spend (time)
tu naciste en espana
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you were born in spain
pero creci en USA
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but I grew up in the USA
mi infancia
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my childhood
pase mi infancia en seattle
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I spent my childhood in Seattle
estoy muy contento aqui
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I am very happy here
quisiera quedarme aqui un tiempo
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I would like to stay here for a while
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to move
quiero mudarme
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I want to move
mis padres se mudaron a esta ciudad hace veinte anos
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my parents moved to this city twenty years ago
hace dos semanas
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two weeks ago
visitar a mi familia
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visit my family
necesito un tiempo mas
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I need some more time
quiere mudarse a otra ciudad
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he wants to move to another city
cuando se mudo a madrid
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when he moved to madrid
tuviste un buen dia
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you had a good day
como puedo ayudarla
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how I can help you(r)
necesito abrir una cuenta
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I need to open an account
debe rellenar este formulario
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you must fill out this form
debe firmar aqui
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you must sign here
ahora estoy viviendo en casa de una amiga
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Now I'm living in a friend's house
cualquiera de las dos
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either of the two
cualquiera de estos
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any of these
aqui tiene
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here you go
ya todo esta lista
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everything is already ready
solo me pidieron mi nombre
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they just asked for my name
ella se fue tarde del apartamento anoche
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she left late from the apartment last night
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to accept
no tengo suficiente efectivo
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I do not have enough cash
puedes sacar dinero del cajero automatico
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you can withdraw money from the ATM
sacar algo del bolso
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take something out of the bag
hay uno en la otra manzana
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there is one in the other block
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tell him
yo le pago
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I pay him
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It includes
la cuenta incluye la propina
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the bill includes the tip
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to include
creo que no le dice la verdad
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I think he does not tell him the truth
el billete incluye todo y cuesta ochenta
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the ticket includes everything and costs eighty
el banco ya cerro hace dos horas
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the bank has already closed two hours ago
tu que hiciste ayer
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What did you do yesterday
nos vamos pronto
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we are leaving soon
como te sientes hoy
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How do you feel today
no puedo quedarme mucho tiempo
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I can not stay long
nuestro vuelo debe llegar alli a las dos
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our flight should get there at two
en la otra manzana
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in the other(next) block
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la ternera
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adonde fuisteis
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where did you(p) go
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el quince
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te gustan
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do you like them
quienes van a venir a la cena
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who will come to dinner
parece que es buena
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It seems that it is good
solo necesito preguntarle unas cosas
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I just need to ask you some things
le preguntaste cual es su direccion
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did you asked him his address
puedo pedirle algo
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Can I ask you something
quisiera saber si
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I would like to know if
le puedo enviar
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I can send you
lo puedo enviar
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I can send it
gracias por todo
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thanks for everything
ves a sandra, no la veo
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do You see Sandra, I do not see her
los llevo al escuela
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I take them to school
voy a preguntarle
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I will ask him
no se como decirlo
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I do not know how to say it
le vas a decir que queremos visitarlos pronto
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you're going to tell him we want to visit them soon
le preguntaron muchas cosas
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they asked him many things
se mudo y se siente bien
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he moved and he feels good
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mientras tu vas, yo llamo
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while you go, I"ll call
ella seguro que sabe
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she sure knows
seguro que abren temprano
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surely they open early
isabella seguro que llega manana
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Isabel arrive tomorrow for sure
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ella acaba de llegar
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She has just arrived
el acaba de comer
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he just ate
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to end, to finish just
apenas dormi anoche
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I barely slept last night
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to sleep
pero voy a ir de todas formas
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but I will go anyway
vuelvo pronto
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I"ll be back soon
cuando vuelves
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when you return
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hardly / barely
acabo de verlos alli
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I just saw them there
seguro que va a ir
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is he going to go for sure
apenas te vi a la fiesta
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I barely saw you at the party
acabo de llamar
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I just called
todavia me siento cansada
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I still feel tired
yo tampoco se cuando vuelve su amigo
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I do not know either when your friend comes back

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