Friday 8 sep

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otázka odpověď
What a disappointment
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Che delusione
to be dissappointed
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essere deluso
a drop
začněte se učit
un goccio
a drop
začněte se učit
una goccia di pioggia
the cap
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il tappo
the cork
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il sughero
cap the bottle
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tappere la bottiglia
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Still water
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začněte se učit
in tanto
that's life
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cosi e la vita
to pour
Could you pour some water into the glass?
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Potresti versare dell'acqua nel bicchiere?
to fill a glass
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per riempire un bicchiere
I wanted some
začněte se učit
ne volevo un po
from the greengrocer
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dal fruttivendolo
a little bag
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un sacchetino
weigh the avocado
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pesare la avocada
a sticker
začněte se učit
un adesivo
press the button
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premere il pusante
the button
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il tasto
začněte se učit
il carrello
How do you perceive the packaging of this product?
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la confezione
Come percepisci la confezione di questo prodotto?
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support political
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bear - bore - born / borne
I can't bear the sound of her voice.
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Non posso sopportare il suono della sua voce.
treat yourself to
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choose them
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to tempt
Stop tempting me with your proposals! I have to study.
začněte se učit
Smettete di tentarmi con le vostre proposte! Devo studiare.
try to
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tentare di
to look after
I look after my wife whenever she is sick.
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prendersi cura
Mi prendo cura di mia moglie quando è malata.
to abandon
Some people have abandoned our company.
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Alcune persone hanno abbandonato la nostra azienda.
to free
Both men were finally freed from the car by the firefighters.
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Entrambi gli uomini sono stati finalmente liberati dalla macchina dai pompieri.
deliver us
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give it to him
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dallo a lui
give it to him
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wake up! wake up!
začněte se učit
svegliati! wake up!
wait for me
začněte se učit
the receipt
začněte se učit
lo scontrino

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