Friends s01e05

 0    20 kartičky    arturmalagowski
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otázka odpověď
As far as I'm concerned, there's nothing a guy can do that comes even close.
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zaniepokojony, zaangażowany
to gang up on sb
Thanks, but she'd fell like we're ganging up on her.
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zmówić się na kogoś
a scrunchie
What's the matter? Why so scrunchie?
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gumka do włosów
a dryer sheet
They're attracted to the dryer sheets.
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chusteczka zapachowa do suszarki
He's smart, he's sophisticated and he has a real job.
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wyrafinowany, wyszukany
to belch
Forget it! Not after your cousin who could belch the alphabet.
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a camper
Hold on here camper. Are you sure you've thought this through.
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obozowicz, biwakowicz
a proof
We've got the proofs from that photo shoot with the vegetables.
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tu: korekta, odbitka techniczna
to blow sth off
I blew off the rest afternoon and went shopping.
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odpuścić sobie, olać coś
a moose
You can mix and match a moose and a squirrel.
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a squirrel
You can mix and match a moose and a squirrel.
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suds; soap suds
Unfortunately I don't see the suds.
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mydliny; mydła
a spaz
Am I being like a total laundry spaz.
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łamaga, łajza
a judgement call
That would be a judgement call.
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pogląd, opinia
That cute nibbley noise she makes when she eats.
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a weasel
Like a happy little squirrel or weasel.
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to flop down
So anyway, his head was flopping down the street.
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klapnąć, pacnąć
Like you've never got a little rambunctious with Ross.
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Everything looks like jammies now.
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to grieve
He needed some time to grieve.
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