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to towel, towel off, towel down
to destroy something completely or cause something to be completely lost
začněte se učit
to wipe out something
to lose control, especially in a vehicle, and have an accident
začněte se učit
to wipe out
a piece of soft, wet cloth or paper that you use for wiping; an act of wiping
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to wipe
to get something, especially by asking for it, buying it, working for it, or producing it from something else
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to obtain
to attach something, esp. to a wall; to raise something to a higher position; to build a structure in an empty space; to provide money so that an aim can be achieved
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to put up sth
to have a continuous pain that is unpleasant but not very strong
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to ache
related to someone through a second marriage
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a family that consists of two adults, the child or children that they have had together, and one or more children that they have had with previous partners
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blended family
pojąć, zrozumieć
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to fathom
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a large crack in the ground or in rock; a serious disagreement that separates two people who have been friends and stops their friendship continuing
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to (cause to) move in small waves, a small wave on the surface of water
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niewyraźny (np. dźwięk), nieostry (np. obraz)
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uporczywy, przekorny, przewrotny
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w nietypowych dużych rozmiarach; wielki, ogromny
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spaczony, wypaczony (np. charakter, umysł, drewno)
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pogarda, lekceważenie
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pogarszać, zaostrzać, powodować nasilenie, powodować pogorszenie (np. samopoczucia)
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to exacerbate
zastrzyk (np. gotówki); zaparzanie, napar
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nieszczęścia, kłopoty, niedola
začněte se učit
zaklinować, umocować; wcisnąć się
začněte se učit
to wedge
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to belittle
dawać klapsa
začněte se učit
to spank

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