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the study of human speech sounds from the point of view of their articultion, their physical characteristics and their reception
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the way sounds are made with the articulators
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the acoustic results of different articulations
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the way listeners perceive and understand linguistic
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the study of the sound systems of languages
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the basic unit of a language’s sound system
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the use of the pitch of the voice to transmit meaning
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variations in pronunciation
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differences in vocabulary, grammar and word order
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adjusting tone, style, register to adapt communication to different situations
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the process of shaping the sounds
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changes in pitch, stress and rhythm
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a different realization of a phoneme
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repetition of one or more sounds
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a pair sharing all distinctive features except one
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an irregular form of a word is used instead of the expected regular form
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creation of new words, p.ex. google
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creating a new word on the basic of another by changing its morphological structure, p.ex. un+lock
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puts words together, p.ex. sleepwalk, homework
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joining of two words together, p.ex. brunch=breakfast+lunch
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fridge, piano, bike, math, gym, prof
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cutting the word to one syllabe and adding -y, p.ex. Freddy, telly, Shaky
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transformation from one grammatical category to another, p.ex. to walk-a walk
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shortening a phrase of two or more words, p.ex. UFO, scuba, NATO, HIV, RAM
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a word formation from a proper name, person, animal, object, p.ex. sandwich, to google
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words taken from other languages
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deals with inflected forms of parts of speech and word formation
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the smallest meaningful unit of language
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decribes how a language is used
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prescribes the correct usage of language based on standards
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focuses on teaching grammar to learners in a structured and organized manner