Gramatyka - TW3.1-7

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seems as if
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V + 看起來
You look very beautiful wearing this outfit.
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It looks ... however...
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看起來... 就是...
It looks clean, but not big enough.
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It doesn't matter if ..., ... then it'll be fine.
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...沒關係, ...就好了.
It doesn't matter if it's broken. Just buy another (and the problem will be resolved).
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it's best to (after considering the options)
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還是 ... 吧!
We should unpack the trunk first.
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It's too tiring to drive. I think it's better to fly.
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to do
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before a few M (N) occurs, (S) will
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(S) + V 不了幾 M + (N), (S) 就...
... before long, you'll probably be missing them.
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Miss Lee can't even walk for a few minutes without getting tired.
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before a few M (N) had occured, (S)...
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(S) + 沒V + 幾 + M(N), (S) 就 ... 了.
Miss Lee hadn't even walked for a few minutes before she got tired.
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S is interested in...
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S 對 ... 有興趣
You'll certainly become too fat to get on the plane.
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He's so happy that he jumped for joy.
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As far as NP is concerned...
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That's right! Indeed!
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Action continually repeated
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Mrs. Lin was so anxious she paced back and forth in the house.
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In Taiwan, wahtever you'd want to eat is readily available.
if there is 誰, 就 can be put after it.
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Whichever one is cheaper, I will buy it.
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Even in the middle of the night you can find a place to eat.
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As long as ... then...
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只要 ... 就...
As long as it's convenient to go to school from there, I'm willing.
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only if
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I'll only go if the weather is nice.
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I wonder...
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不知道 + QW
I wonder if we have an exchanage programs with schools there?
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要是 ... 的話
If it is possible then I will go next year.
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depends on...
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得看 / 要看...
after... then...
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等 ... 再...
I will tell you (more information) after you have decided where to go.
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I will go home after the rain has stopped.
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speaking of...
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sometimes ... even...
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有時候 N 還...
... the rent can be made a little cheaper and sometimes even you will be invited to have a meal at the landlord's house.
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What a SV N! (subiektywne)
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好 SV 的 N!
What a pretty stamp!
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apart from / other than...
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除了 ... 以外 ... 都 / 還
The total population of the island of Taiwan adds up to more than 20 mln.
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台灣全島 的人口加起來有兩千多萬.
put together / added together
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not only... but also
if the subject is the same, it goes before 不但; if subjects are different, one goes after 不但
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不但 ... 也 / 而且 / 並且
every, everyone (not a single N is not)
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沒有一 M (N) 不/沒 ... 的
I know every one of those people.
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comparing N1 with N2
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N1 跟 N2 比起來...
... thought that ..., ... didn't think that...
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以為 ..., 沒想到...
No matter how...
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再 ... 也...
No matter how cold it gets it won't go below 0.
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not at all
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並 不/沒
such as... and so on
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像 ... 什麼的
cause (in a harmful way)
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N1 turned into N2
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N1 + V + 成 + N2
V more
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多 V (O)
This matter is very clear, I don't need to explain it further.
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so, you see I was right about this...
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would rather VP1 than VP2
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寧可 VP 也 VP (不要)
have to, definitely must, is indispensable
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非 ... 不可
there always has to be VERB phrase
only V NU M (N) and...
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才 ... 就...
will, should
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He will be able to slowly adjust.
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to have no alternative but to..., can only, cannot but
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Then these people have to first do military service before taking the exam for college?
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to have no alternative but to..., can only, cannot but
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不管 ... 都...
almost finished (via V)
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V 得 差不多了
If not A..., then must be B...
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不是 ... 就是...
I either stay here to do research work or go back to Taiwan to work.
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