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otázka odpověď
Neil's fondness for loose change
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sentyment/ zamilowanie
behind the curve
behind the curve not keeping up with current thinking or trends
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nieaktualny, nie na czasie
fraud getting money by cheating people
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fraud v angličtině
fraud - using lies and deception to steal money
You commit a fraud when you deliberately try to deceive a person or an institution.
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oszustwo - za pomocą kłamstwa i oszustwa, aby ukraść pieniądze
His elaborate deception fooled everyone.
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deception v angličtině
Jego wyrafinowany podstęp zwiódł wszystkich
The definition of fraud is something said or done in a dishonest way to trick people.
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fraud v angličtině
An example of fraud is when a person promises you that you can make a lot of money by investing with him, but then just takes your money and disappears.
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fraud v angličtině
An example of deception is when you tell someone you are 30 when really you are 40.
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deception v angličtině
spending spree
spending spree doing a lot of shopping over a short period of time
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szał wydawania pieniędzy
wearable tech
wearable tech things you can wear which combine payment and security technology
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odzież lub akcesoria zawierające zaawansowane technologicznie gadżety
authenticate (in general) prove something is true or genuine
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dig around
You're behind the curve, digging around in your pockets for change, Neil. Do you still use cheques too?
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dig around
dig around to try to find something inside a place or container by searching in every part of it
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dig around
She dug around in her handbag for a pen.
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spending spree
And if a thief does go on a spending spree with your card, your bank covers you against fraud.
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szał wydawania pieniędzy

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