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a feeling of great sadness, usually because someone has died or because something terrible has happened to you
smutek, żal
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extreme sadness, especially because someone you love has died
smutek, żal, rozpacz
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an unpleasant and upsetting experience that affects you for a long time
začněte se učit
(informal) very sad and without much interest in life
mieć depresję, doła
začněte se učit
down in the dumps
She’s feeling a bit down in the dumps.
feeling a little ill or upset
nie w sosie
začněte se učit
out of sorts
when someone feel unhappy and do not talk a lot
ponury, posępny
začněte se učit
glum (syn. gloomy)
Anna looked glum.
extremely sad, especially because someone you love has died or left you
začněte se učit
feeling very sad because of something that has happened
pogrążony w bólu, żalu
začněte se učit
grief-stricken (syn. distraught)
The grief-stricken widow refused to leave her dead husband’s side.
to upset someone so much that it is difficult for them to deal with something
zwalić kogoś z nóg
začněte se učit
knock sb sideways
(informal) to shock or upset someone very much or make them physically weak
kompletnie kogoś zaszokować, wstrząsnąć kimś
začněte se učit
knock for six
to be very upset about something, especially bad news
ciężko coś przyjąć
začněte se učit
take something hard
(spoken informal) to be extremely upset because something unpleasant or disappointing has happened
zdenerwowany, w złym humorze, smutnym
začněte se učit
be in bits
when person is so upset or nervous that cannot live, work, or perform as they should
rozlecieć się na kawałki, załamać się psychicznie
začněte se učit
go into pieces
to no longer be successful or working well
rozpaść się
začněte se učit
fall to pieces
to be unable to deal with your personal or emotional problems
rozpadać się
začněte se učit
fall apart
She had to get some rest or she was going to fall apart.
to make someone feel unhappy and tired
zasmucić, zmartwić kogoś
začněte se učit
get somebody down
to make people feel less happy or hopeful about something
rzucać na coś cień
začněte se učit
cast a shadow/cloud over something
Her father’s illness cast a shadow over the wedding celebrations
feeling very sad
začněte se učit
a heavy heart
to do sth with a heavy heart-> It was with a heavy heart that Kate said goodbye
(sth bring) a feeling that you want to cry
začněte se učit
(bring) a lump in/to somebodys throat
There was a lump in her throat as she gazed at the child.
to suddenly begin to make a sound, especially to start singing, crying, or laughing
wybuchnąć płaczem
začněte se učit
burst into sth (tears)
to move around a place in a sad slow way, especially because you feel unhappy about the situation you are in
act in a miserable way
začněte se učit
mop around
to seem to enjoy being sad etc, especially because you get sympathy from other people – used to show disapproval
making no efford to recover, as if they are enjoying it
začněte se učit
wallow in self-pity/ dispear/ defeat/ sadness
He’d been feeling sorry for himself, wallowing in self-pity
to force yourself to stop behaving in a nervous, frightened, or uncontrolled way
act in a sensible way
začněte se učit
pull together
seeming lonely and unhappy
opuszczony, samotny
začněte se učit
a forlorn figure sitting all by herself
extremely unhappy, for example because you feel lonely, cold, or badly treated
smutny, przygnębiony, nieszczęśliwy
začněte se učit
I’ve been so miserable since Pat left me.
when someone is very unhappy or ill, and you feel sorry for them
lichy, nędzny, nieszczęsny
začněte se učit
the poor, wretched girl
when tears come into your eyes
zbierać się (np. na łzy w oczach)
začněte se učit
well up

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