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a drop in the ocean
začněte se učit
kropla w morzu potrzeb
a home from home
začněte se učit
a place where you feel as relaxed as you do in your own home
a leopard can't change its spots
začněte se učit
one can't change
a sight for sore eyes
začněte se učit
sth/sb you're very pleased to see
a stitch in time (saves nine)
začněte se učit
it's better to solve a problem now, than leave it for later
a stone's throw from
začněte se učit
very close to
Achilles' heel
začněte se učit
a weak feature which could cause failure
add fuel to the fire
začněte se učit
make a bad situation worse
all in good time
začněte se učit
soon; is used to encourage people to be patient and wait quietly.
all mod cons
začněte se učit
all modern conveniences
an act of God
začněte se učit
natural disaster
as the crow flies
začněte se učit
in a straight line
at a loose end
začněte se učit
with nothing particular to do
at the drop of a hat
začněte se učit
immediately, or in a way that shows you have no doubts about doing sth
be born with a silver spoon in your mouth
začněte se učit
born rich
be on the same wavelength
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to think in similar way
before your time
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bofore you were born/lived/worked somewhere
below/under par
začněte se učit
worse than the usual or expected standard
big mouth
začněte se učit
to say things that are meant to be kept secret
blot on the landscape
začněte se učit
something such as an ugly building that spoils a pleasant view
break the mold
začněte se učit
to be new and different
bury your head in the sand
začněte se učit
ignore the problem hoping it'd disappear
change your tune
začněte se učit
change your opinion or attitude
clean as a whistle
začněte se učit
honest or legal; extremely clean
come rain or shine
začněte se učit
whatever happens
commuter belt
začněte se učit
an area around a city where many people who work in the city live
concrete jungle
začněte se učit
an ugly grey area of a city where people live in closely crowded apartment buildings and there is little space and no trees or grass
it's no use crying over spilled milk
začněte se učit
what's done, is done
do sth on a whim
začněte se učit
do sth because of a sudden feeling
down on your luck
začněte se učit
have a bad situation (no work, money ect.)
draw the line at
začněte se učit
say you won't accept sth
draw the short straw
začněte se učit
be chosen to do sth unpleasant
fall short of sb's expectations
začněte se učit
to fail to reach an amount or standard that was expected or hoped for, causing disappointment
fly off the handle
začněte se učit
to react in a very angry way
follow your nose
začněte se učit
go straight forward, without turning
follow your nose
začněte se učit
to trust your own feelings rather than obeying rules or allowing yourself to be influenced by other people's opinions
for the time being
začněte se učit
for now
from time to time
začněte se učit
get the upper hand
začněte se učit
get control or advantage over a person or situation
get on like a house on fire
začněte se učit
become friends quickly, having plenty to talk about
get the wrong end of the stick
začněte se učit
to not understand a situation correctl
catch sb's drift
začněte se učit
understand the basic meaning
give sb a taste of their own medicine
začněte se učit
to treat someone as badly as they have treated you
give sth a miss
začněte se učit
not to do sth
go halves
začněte se učit
go 50/50
go to your head
začněte se učit
woda sodowa uderza do głowy
grin and bear it
začněte se učit
accept a difficulty without complaining
have a change of heart
začněte se učit
change one's mind
have green fingers
začněte se učit
be good at growing plants
have time on your hands
začněte se učit
have more free time than you need
have your wits about you
začněte se učit
to be ready to think quickly in a situation and react to things that you are not expecting
hear sth through the grapevine
začněte se učit
to hear news from someone who heard the news from someone else
in donkey's years
začněte se učit
an extremely long time
in sb's bad/good books
začněte se učit
sb is annoyed/pleased with you
in the nick of time
začněte se učit
just in time
in the sticks
začněte se učit
far from a town
it's as broad as it's long
začněte se učit
can't choose between two things as they're equal
keep a straight face
začněte se učit
poker face
keep sth under your hat
začněte se učit
keep sth secret
keep up with the Joneses
začněte se učit
try to be as successful as your neighbours
keep your hair on
začněte se učit
said to tell someone to stop being so angry or upset
kick yourself
začněte se učit
be very annoyed because of an error you made
knee-high to a grasshopper
začněte se učit
be small or young
last word in
začněte se učit
the newest and the best type of sth
let nature take its course
začněte se učit
allow sth to develop without interference
let off steam
začněte se učit
do sth that allows you to get rid of anger
let sleeping dogs lie
začněte se učit
leave sb alone if they might cause you trouble
let your hair down
začněte se učit
relax and enjoy yourself more than usual
life and soul of the party
začněte se učit
lively at social events
like two peas in a pod
začněte se učit
jak dwie krople wody
line your pocket(s)
začněte se učit
to earn money using dishonest or illegal methods
lock, stock and barrel
začněte se učit
including all or every part of something
lose your bearings
začněte se učit
get disoriented
never look a gift horse in the mouth
začněte se učit
said to advise someone not to refuse something good that is being offered
no rhyme or reason
začněte se učit
no reason or explanation for sth
not see the wood for the trees
začněte se učit
not being able to see what's importnat because because you are too worried about the details
off the beaten track
začněte se učit
in a place where few people go, far from any main roads and towns:
on the spur of the moment
začněte se učit
suddenly, without planning
on the town
začněte se učit
spend the evening out
once in a blue moon
začněte se učit
very rarely
out of this world
začněte se učit
extremely good and impressive
over the top
začněte se učit
more than what's considered normal or suitable
pull strings
začněte se učit
use your influence to get what you want
put sth in perspective
začněte se učit
to compare something to other things so that it can be accurately and fairly judged
put your feet up
začněte se učit
sit and relax
quick on the uptake
začněte se učit
understand sth quickly
red tape
začněte se učit
official rules and processes that seem unnecessary and delay results
reinvent the wheel
začněte se učit
waste time trying do sth what's already been done well
round the bend
začněte se učit
satellite town
začněte se učit
town close and in dependence to a bigger one
see eye to eye with sb
začněte se učit
agree with sb
set your heart on
začněte se učit
decide you want sth very much
speak volumes about sth
začněte se učit
provide lots of info in indirect way
split hairs
začněte se učit
argue about small details
stick to your guns
začněte se učit
to continue having your beliefs even if other people disagree with you
stop dead in your tracks
začněte se učit
suddenly stop
take stock of sth
začněte se učit
to examine a situation carefully
take the scenic route
začněte se učit
follow a longer path than usual because it's more attractive
have the edge over
začněte se učit
to be slightly better than someone or something
the luck of a draw
začněte se učit
to be the result of chance and something that you have no control over:
the powers that be
začněte se učit
the people that control the situation
tool of the trade
začněte se učit
sth you need to do your job
throw the book at sb
začněte se učit
punish sb seriously
tidy amount
začněte se učit
large amount
turn over a new leaf
začněte se učit
to start behaving in a better way
under sb's thumb
začněte se učit
completely controlled by sb
up in arms about
začněte se učit
angry and complaining about sth
variety is the spice of life
začněte se učit
diffrent things makes life interesting

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