idioms that comment on people

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otázka American English odpověď American English
is only attracted to
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only has eyes for
loves very much
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loves to bits
fell deeply in love
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fell head over heels in love
got on very well
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got on like a house on fire
to be fond of someone
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to have a soft spot for someone
annoys me
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gets up my nose/ gets on my wick/my nerves/ gets my back up
is an expert
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knows whats what
is an expert in his field
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knows his stuff
the most intelligent person in the company
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the brains behind the company
intelligence, brain
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grey matter
is very clever
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is nobodys fool
have no idea
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havent a clue/ the foggiest idea
has inside knowledge
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is in the know
talks well and persuasively
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has the gift if the gab
a rich source of information
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a mine of information
could talk for hours
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could talk the hind legs off a donkey
someone who shows off their cleverness in an irritating way
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know-all/ smart aleck
is extremely stupid
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has got nothing between the ears/ is as thick as two short planks
you have to explain things to them several times
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are slow on the uptake
is not stupid
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wasnt born yesterday
deceive someone
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pull the wool over ones eyes
cant understand
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cant make head or tail of
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one sandwich short of a picnic
indicating stupidity
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is one cell short of a battery/one slice short of a loaf/ several bricks short a load
to be extremely happy
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to be on top of the world/on cloud nine/in seventh heaven/over the moon
to be ideally suited for
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to be in ones element/ to be made for
to be enthusiastic abt
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to rave abt
to look irritingly pleased with yourself
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to look like the cat that got the cream
to be depressed
začněte se učit
to be down in the dumps/ down in the mouth

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