idiomy 3

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otázka odpověď
trafić w sedno
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hit the nail on the head
I think George hit the nail on the head when he said that Jenny needs to work harder
w samą porę
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in the nick of time
They helped the victims in the nick of time
upiec dwie pieczenie na jednym ogniu
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kill two birds with one stone
I was learning English words while cooking dinner, so I killed two birds with one stone
znać tajniki, znać się na czymś
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know the ropes
every programmer should know the ropes
przegapić szansę
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miss the boat
If you don’t accept this offer, you may find you’ve missed the boat
od święta, bardzo rzadko
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once in a blue moon
I only see my cousins once in a blue moon
być niezdecydowanym
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sit on the fence
you can’t sit on the fence any longer!
o wilku mowa
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speak of the devil
speak of the devil - here’s Jane now
brać coś z przymrużeniem oka
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take sth with a pinch of salt
If I were you, I’d take his words with a pinch of salt
kropla przepełniająca czarę goryczy
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the last straw
David saw his girlfriend flirting with his colleague and that was the last straw. He broke up with her

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