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otázka odpověď
relaxed and not worried about antything
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nervous, especially because you are expecting something unpleasant to happen
anxious about something and not able to relax
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on edge
Paul felt on edge about meeting Lisa.
confident, happy, and active
radosny, żwawy, dziarski
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He sounded like a perky little old man.
happy and full of energy
radosny, pogodny, promienny, rozpromieniony
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He seemed much brighter at the weekend.
feelings of happiness and energy, especially when you are having fun
dobry nastrój, świetny humor
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in good/high spirits
Despite the rain, everyone was in high spirits.
when someone feels calm and relaxed, especially after drinking alcohol
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A stroll on the beach had put me in a very mellow mood.
sad because you think the situation will not improve
ponury, posępny
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She seemed a bit gloomy when we met up.
unhappy and without much hope for the future
zdołowany, przybity
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Illness of any sort can leave you feeling low.
unhappy or sad
smutny, nieszczęśliwy, przybity
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He seemed a bit down and I wanted to cheer him up.
when someone is unusually quiet and possibly unhappy
przygaszony, przygnbiony
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Richard seems very subdued tonight.
feeling a little ill or upset
nie w sosie
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out of sorts
I’ve been feeling a bit out of sorts today- I don’t know why.
getting annoyed quickly or easily
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I’m always more irritable when I’m tired.
bad-tempered and easily annoyed
zrzędliwy, marudzący, naburmuszony, narzekający
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Mina’s always a bit grumpy first thing in the morning.
in a bad temper, especially because you are tired
zrzędliwy, gderliwy, marudny
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I had a headache and was incredibly grouchy.
(informal) bad-tempered
zrzędliwy, gderliwy, marudny
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She’s just tired and cranky.

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