Immigration / Synonyms

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a person who belongs to the same family as sb who lived a long time ago
začněte se učit
Her family are descendants of one of the first Englishmen to arrive in America.
wynosić 10%
to form the total of something
začněte se učit
to account for 10%
Students account for the vast majority of our customers.
ludzkość / człowieczeństwo
all the people in the world, thought of as a group
začněte se učit
not enough; not good enough
začněte se učit
začněte se učit
watching, listening, etc. for sth with all your attention
začněte se učit
Security guards must be alert at all times.
the number of people who live in a particular area, city or country
začněte se učit
What is the population of your country?
to fill a passage, space, etc., so that nothing can pass through
začněte se učit
to choke sth with sth
The roads to the coast were choked with traffic.
dławić się czymś
to be or to make sb unable to breathe because sth is stopping air getting into the lungs
začněte se učit
to choke on sth
She was choking on a fish bone.
bystry / o jasnym spojrzeniu
začněte se učit
to hold sb/sth tightly
začněte se učit
to clasp
Kevin clasped the child in his arms.
zbierać się (np. o łzach w oczach)
začněte se učit
to well (in one’s eyes)
Tears were welling in her eyes.
difficult to explain or understand
začněte se učit
It's a rather puzzling film.
przyszły / oczekiwany
likely to be or to happen; possible
začněte se učit
They are worried about prospective changes in the law.
być w martwym punkcie
a situation when there is no movement, progress or activity
začněte se učit
to be at a standstill
The traffic is at/has come to a complete standstill.
przelewać się (o łzach)
začněte se učit
to brim over
facet / gość
začněte se učit
umiejętność czytania i pisania
the ability to read and write
začněte se učit
stawać przed czymś / zmierzyć się z czymś
to have to deal with sth unpleasant; to deal with sb in a difficult situation
začněte se učit
to face sth
They faced a lot of problems when they moved house.
začněte se učit
górnik węglowy
začněte se učit
coal miner
the number or amount of sth that is allowed or that you must do
začněte se učit
We have a fixed quota of work to get through each day.
extremely pleased
začněte se učit
delighted (at/with/about sth)
She was delighted at getting the job/that she got the job.
drżący / roztrzęsiony
to shake slightly, usually because you are cold, frightened, or very emotional
začněte se učit
When he came out of the water, he was trembling with cold.
oświadczać / orzekać
to give your opinion on sth, especially formally
začněte se učit
to pronounce
The play was pronounced ‘brilliant’ by all the critics.
gleba / grunt
začněte se učit
cios (niekorzystna sytuacja)
začněte se učit
sth is a blow
zbity z tropu
to be unable to answer a question or solve a problem because it is too difficult
začněte se učit
I'm completely stumped - how did she manage to escape?
the action or the fact of deterring people from doing something
začněte se učit
They believed in the principle of nuclear deterrence.
to force something or someone out of its usual or original position
začněte se učit
to displace
The building of a new dam will displace thousands of people who live in this area.
zasady dotyczące imigracji
začněte se učit
immigration policies
to put someone in prison
začněte se učit
She was sentenced to five years' imprisonment.
to keep control in a place by using the police or a similar official group
začněte se učit
to police
The cost of policing football games is extremely high.
happening or done at exactly the same time as sth else
začněte se učit
The programme will be broadcast simultaneously on TV and radio.
unfair or cruel treatment over a long period of time because of race, religion, orpolitical beliefs
začněte se učit
They left the country out of fear of persecution.
Trzeba wiele zrobić.
začněte se učit
Much needs to be done.
osoba starająca się o azyl
začněte se učit
asylum seeker
to take sb's property, land or house away from them
začněte se učit
to dispossess
a person who has been forced to leave their country for political or religious reasons, or because there is a war, not enough food, etc.
začněte se učit
Thousands of refugees fled across the border.
gorliwość / zapał
very strong feelings about sth
začněte se učit
poparcie / aprobata
the act of saying that you approve of or support something or someone
začněte se učit
The campaign hasn't received any political endorsements.
začněte se učit
začněte se učit
huge, enormous
začněte se učit
obszerny / rozległy
extremely big
začněte se učit
a vast sum of money / a vast country
bogaty / zamożny
začněte se učit
rich, wealthy, prosperous, well-off, affluent
začněte se učit
to murder
masakrować / dokonać masakry
začněte se učit
to massacre
szlachtować / robić masakrę
to kill a large number of people at one time, especially in a cruel way
začněte se učit
to slaughter
Men, women and children were slaughtered and whole villages destroyed.
mordować / dokonać zamachu na kogoś
začněte se učit
to assassinate
It is not known who assassinated J.F. Kennedy.
začněte se učit
to injure / to hurt / to wound
to hurt sb so badly that part of their body can no longer be used
začněte se učit
to maim
Many children have been maimed for life by these bombs.
wyrządzać krzywdę
začněte se učit
to harm
kłótnia / sprzeczka
začněte se učit
argument / row / quarrel / squabble
začněte se učit
trust / faith
przekonanie / wiara
a feeling that sb/sth is true, morally good or right, or that sb/sth really exists
začněte se učit
She has lost her belief in God.
zaufanie / ufność
trust or strong belief in sb/sth
začněte se učit
confidence (in sb/sth)
They don't have much confidence in him.
wykwalifikowany / zręczny
začněte se učit
biegły / wprawny
able to do a particular thing well; skilled
začněte se učit
proficient (in/at sth/doing sth)
We are looking for someone who is proficient in French.
znakomity / utalentowany
highly skilled at sth
začněte se učit
an accomplished actor
kompetentny / sprawny
having the ability or qualities necessary to do sth
začněte se učit
capable of (doing) sth
He's capable of passing the exam if he tries harder.
bardzo kompetentny
začněte se učit
highly competent
to make sb do sth by giving them good reasons
začněte se učit
persuade sb (to do sth); persuade sb (into sth/doing sth)
It was difficult to persuade Louise to change her mind.
začněte se učit
convincing / compelling
wprowadzać w błąd
to make sb have the wrong idea or opinion about sb/sth
začněte se učit
to mislead
Don't be misled by his charm – he's a ruthless man underneath.
oszukiwać / naciągać
začněte se učit
to trick
mamić / zwodzić
to make sb believe sth that is not true
začněte se učit
to delude
If he thinks he's going to get rich quickly, he's deluding himself.
okłamywać / oszukiwać
to try to make sb believe sth that is not true
začněte se učit
to deceive sb/yourself (into doing sth)
Her story didn't deceive me – I knew it was a lie.
oszukiwać / robić z kogoś głupca
to trick sb
začněte se učit
fool sb (into doing sth)
Don't be fooled into believing everything that the salesman says.
začněte se učit
začněte se učit
ostrożnie / starannie / uważnie
začněte se učit
dokładny / gruntowny
careful and complete
začněte se učit
The police made a thorough search of the house.
wyczerpujący / kompletny
including everything possible
začněte se učit
This list is certainly not intended to be exhaustive.
denerwować / irytować
začněte se učit
to annoy
to make sb angry; to annoy sb very much
začněte se učit
to exasperate
This lack of progress exasperates me.
zawracać głowę
something wrong in a system or machine, especially a computer
začněte se učit
to bug
There's a bug in the software.
ważny / istotny
začněte se učit
essential / vital / crucial
začněte se učit
ogarnięty panicznym strachem
very frightened in a way that stops you from thinking clearly
začněte se učit
skamieniały ze strachu
very frightened
začněte se učit

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