otázka |
odpověď |
someone who spoils other people's enjoyment by disapproving of or not taking part in a particular activity. začněte se učit
to pass solid waste from the body: Your puppy's just ... right outside my front door. začněte se učit
Your puppy's just pooped right outside my front door.
a man who is about to get married or just got married: začněte se učit
to arrive for a gathering or event: He ... late for the meeting. začněte se učit
He showed up late for the meeting.
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jedną pominąłeś (świeczkę) začněte se učit
to happen in the way you had hoped: I’d always dreamed of owning my own home, and now my dream has... začněte se učit
I’d always dreamed of owning my own home, and now my dream has come true.
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I'm organising party, I am throwing a party, I'm having a party
začněte se učit
Are you having fun? Are you having a good time? Enjoying yourself?
začněte se učit
life and soul of the party
to talk with someone you know in order to exchange news or information: By the time coffee came, R.J. and Angelo had ... a little bit. začněte se učit
By the time coffee came, R.J. and Angelo had caught up a little bit.
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do dna! zdrowie! (przy toastach) začněte se učit
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shy and nervous and having few interesting qualities: A ...-looking woman accompanied him začněte se učit
A mousy-looking woman accompanied him
a shy person, especially a girl or woman, who is frightened to involve herself in social activities and does not attract much interest or attention: začněte se učit
Sooner or later someone would take pity on the poor ... and ask her to dance.
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przyjść na wesele bez zaproszenia začněte se učit
to ask someone to do something that involves risk: Wear the low-cut blouse with your pink shorts - go on, I ... you! začněte se učit
Wear the low-cut blouse with your pink shorts - go on, I dare you!
začněte se učit
to try to make a bad situation better: It was a desperate attempt to ... the situation. začněte se učit
It was a desperate attempt to ... the situation.
a container or box for storing something in: She took her violin out of its... začněte se učit
She took her violin out of its case.
Zaraz się zacznie! Będzie grubo! začněte se učit
začněte se učit
the place where a public event or meeting happens: The hotel is an ideal ... for conferences and business meetings. začněte se učit
The hotel is an ideal venue for conferences and business meetings.
miejscówka, ale też skręt a place where people go for entertainment začněte se učit
We arrived at the club just before midnight and the joint was already jumping (= busy).
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a large room containing many beds, for example in a boarding school: Smoking is not permitted in college... začněte se učit
dorm, dormitory, accomodation Smoking is not permitted in college dorms.
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do zobaczenia na miejscu! začněte se učit
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a set of clothes worn for a particular occasion or activity: I'm going to wear my vampire ... for Halloween. začněte se učit
I'm going to wear my vampire outfit for Halloween.
to put on special clothes in order to change your appearance: // He ... a cowboy for the party. začněte se učit
He dressed up as a cowboy for the party.
unfriendly or very formal:, a word used in the past to describe a woman who does not like having sex, which is now considered offensive. She turned her ... gaze on him. začněte se učit
She turned her frigid gaze on him.
imprezowicz/imprezowiczka začněte se učit
party person / party animal
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unable to speak or act in the usual way because of having had too much alcohol: I ... completely ... at my sister's wedding. začněte se učit
I got completely drunk at my sister's wedding.
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someone who has guests // We thanked our ... for a very enjoyable evening. začněte se učit
We thanked our hosts for a very enjoyable evening.
a cold, usually sweet, drink that does not contain alcohol začněte se učit
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the choice of color, style of furniture, and arrangement of objects in a room: elegant... začněte se učit
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a list of the things that a person would like to do or achieve before they die. // I have so many things on my ... yet to do. začněte se učit
I have so many things on my bucket list yet to do.
a type of party when a young person or a group of young people stay for the night at the house of a friend // Games, DVDs, and junk food are ... mainstays for both boys and girls. začněte se učit
Games, DVDs, and junk food are sleepover mainstays for both boys and girls.
a party for all the people in a company, department, etc., often paid for by the company: // The ... was held at a local bar called Lucky's. začněte se učit
The office party was held at a local bar called Lucky's.
a party for a man who is going to get married, to which only his male friends are invited začněte se učit
bachelor party // a stag party/night
a party for a woman who is going to get married soon, to which only her female friends are invited: začněte se učit
bachelorette party // a hen party/night
alcohol: The party's at Kate's on Friday night - bring some... začněte se učit
The party's at Kate's on Friday night - bring some booze.
not drunk or affected by alcohol: I'd had no wine all evening so I was stone cold (= completely)... začněte se učit
I'd had no wine all evening so I was stone cold (= completely) sober.
a woman who is about to get married or has just got married: // The ... and groom posed for pictures outside the church. začněte se učit
The bride and groom posed for pictures outside the church.
a party to celebrate the marriage ceremony of two people: The wedding will be held at St Martin's Church and the ... at the Crathorne Hotel. začněte se učit
The wedding will be held at St Martin's Church and the wedding reception at the Crathorne Hotel.
an accepted way of dressing for a particular occasion or in a particular social group: Most evenings there's a party and the ... is strict - black tie only. začněte se učit
Most evenings there's a party and the dress code is strict - black tie only.
wymagana odpowiedź (na zaproszeniach) French for "please reply"; used at the end of a written invitation to mean that you should let the people who invited you know whether or not you are coming: ... by 9 October. začněte se učit
przekąski które można jeść bez użycia sztućców food that you can eat without using knives, forks, or spoons začněte se učit
a meal where people serve themselves food that is arranged on a table: Will it be a ... or a sit-down meal? začněte se učit
Will it be a buffet or a sit-down meal?
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a type of dancing where two people use special steps and movements to do dances such as the waltz or tango together začněte se učit
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the time at which a bar, store, or other business closes to customers: Drink up your drinks - it's nearly... začněte se učit
Drink up your drinks - it's nearly closing time.
poprosił wszystkich o uwagę začněte se učit
zbierać się (do wyjścia z imprezy) začněte se učit
Do zobaczenia na miejscu! začněte se učit
začněte se učit
I'm having a party on Friday
jak party pooper tylko bardziej negatywne znaczenie. a person who says or does something that stops other people enjoying themselves začněte se učit
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BYOB - bring your own booze/bottle
Przyjdzie kilkoro znajomych začněte se učit
I'm having a few friends over
Mam nadzieję, że dasz radę przyjść. začněte se učit
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in addition to; also: Do you play any other sports ... basketball? začněte se učit
Do you play any other sports besides basketball?
začněte se učit
(of a substance) able to make you lose some control of your actions or behaviour: ... liquor začněte se učit
based on or using good judgment and therefore fair and practical: If you tell him what happened, I'm sure he'll understand - he's a ... man. začněte se učit
If you tell him what happened, I'm sure he'll understand - he's a reasonable man.