Internet i komputer

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stáhnout mp3 Vytisknout hrát zkontrolovat se
otázka odpověď
hasło do Wi-Fi
začněte se učit
Wi-Fi password
karta pamięci
začněte se učit
SD card (secure digital)
to remove recordings or information from a magnetic tape or disk: A virus ... my hard disk.
začněte se učit
A virus erased my hard disk.
wyszukać w internecie
to search for something on the internet using the Google search engine (= computer program that finds information)
začněte se učit
historia wyszukiwania stron internetowych
začněte se učit
search history
skrót Wifi (rozwiń)
začněte se učit
Wireless + hi-fi
Internet się zepsuł i nie działa
začněte se učit
The internet is down
Potrzebuję pendrive'a
začněte se učit
I need a USB dongle
podłączyć (np. wtyczkę) infml
to connect something, usually to a system or to a piece of equipment: We just moved and I haven’t ... my stereo yet.
začněte se učit
hook up
We just moved and I haven’t hooked up my stereo yet.
wzmacniacz sygnału
začněte se učit
range extender
dysk twardy (w komputerze)
a part of a computer that reads information on a ..., or a separate device that can be connected to a computer in order to do this; a computer/laptop/PC...
začněte se učit
hard drive
a computer/laptop/PC hard drive
nie wchodzić do internetu
can ... that long
začněte se učit
stay away from the Internet
can stay away from the Internet that long
naruszenie jego prywatności
That's an...
začněte se učit
invasion of his privacy
That's an invasion of his privacy
historia przeglądarki
Let's just look at his...
začněte se učit
browser history
skrzynka odbiorcza (wiadomości mailowych)
a place on a computer where emails that are sent to you are kept; to check your...
začněte se učit
to check your inbox
wysłane (wiadomości, ze skrzynki mailowej)
a place on a computer where copies of email messages that you are going to send are kept; Your employer has the right to inspect the contents of your email inbox and...
začněte se učit
Your employer has the right to inspect the contents of your email inbox and outbox.
profil na facebooku
začněte se učit
Facebook page
niechciane maile
unwanted email, usually advertisements: I get so much ... at work.
začněte se učit
I get so much spam at work.
wysłać tego maila infml
I got to ... first
začněte se učit
get this email out
I got to get this email out first
to communicate an idea or message successfully: I want to use all caps to ... how angry I am
začněte se učit
get across
I want to use all caps to get across how angry I am
nacisnąć klawisz
... Shift
začněte se učit
press Shift
włączyć klawisz
Why don't you just ...?
začněte se učit
put on the
Why don't you just put on the Caps Lock?
kliknąć dwukrotnie
začněte se učit
co ty... infml
začněte se učit
whatcha = what are you
nadrobić (maile)
to do something that you have not been able to do recently: I have to ... my reading.
začněte se učit
catch up on (emails)
I have to catch up on my reading.
darmowe wi-fi
začněte se učit
free wi-fi
gapić się w ekran
Everyone's happy just...
začněte se učit
stare at the screen
Everyone's happy just staring at their screens
zakupy przez internet
začněte se učit
online shopping
Wysłałem jej sms-a
začněte se učit
I texted her
Wysłałem jej maila
začněte se učit
I emailed her
zdecydowanie infml
definitely: If we had a race, he’d win...
začněte se učit
hands down
If we had a race, he’d win hands down.
something that has never been made before, or the process of creating something that has never been made before: The world changed rapidly after the ... of the phone.
začněte se učit
The world changed rapidly after the invention of the phone.
uderzenie klawisza (od komputera)
the act of pressing down on a key on a computer: I can add the date with a single...
začněte se učit
I can add the date with a single keystroke.
sprawić, że coś jest bezużyteczne
no longer used or needed, usually because something newer and better has replaced it: Typewriters have been ...... by computers.
začněte se učit
render sth obsolete
Typewriters have been rendered obsolete by computers.
książka telefoniczna
a brand name for a large, yellow book that contains the addresses and phone numbers of businesses and people offering services, listing them in groups according to what type of business they are;
začněte se učit
yellow pages
położyć coś pod nosem
If you have information at your fingertips, you can get it and use it very easily: He has all the latest statistics ... // The internet ... everything right...
začněte se učit
put something at your fingertips
He has all the latest statistics at his fingertips. // The internet puts everything right at our fingertips
to check a fact or get information about something: If you're not sure what the word means, ... it ... in a dictionary.
začněte se učit
look up
If you're not sure what the word means, look it up in a dictionary.
pojawić się (np. reklama)
to appear or happen, especially suddenly or unexpectedly: She's one of those movie stars who ... everywhere, on TV, in magazines, on Broadway.
začněte se učit
pop up
She's one of those movie stars who pops up everywhere, on TV, in magazines, on Broadway.
znieruchomieć (w jakiejś pozycji)
If a person or animal that is moving ..., it stops suddenly and becomes completely still, especially because of fear: She saw someone outside the window and...
začněte se učit
She saw someone outside the window and froze.
a person whose sexual behaviour is considered strange and unpleasant by most people;
začněte se učit
unsuitable: His casual behaviour was wholly ... for such a formal occasion.
začněte se učit
His casual behaviour was wholly inappropriate for such a formal occasion.
musisz wiedzieć, że
You ..., that video wasn't real
začněte se učit
just so you know
You just so you know, that video wasn't real
Nie ma nic wspólnego z...
začněte se učit
It has nothing to do with...
sexually offensive words or pictures: People complain about the ... on TV and in the press.
začněte se učit
People complain about the filth on TV and in the press.
kliknięcie (myszką)
the act of pressing a button on the mouse (= small control device) of a computer to operate it;
začněte se učit
plugastwo, pornole
magazines, books, pictures, films or jokes that offend some people because they relate to sex: There's an awful lot of ... on television these days.
začněte se učit
There's an awful lot of smut on television these days.
zarabiać na..., monetyzować...
to change something into money, or to express something in terms of money or a currency: Japan is ... several trillion dollars of government debt.
začněte se učit
Japan is monetizing several trillion dollars of government debt.
able to be reached or easily obtained: The problem with some of these drugs is that they are so very...
začněte se učit
The problem with some of these drugs is that they are so very accessible.
szpiegować... (kogoś)
to watch someone or something secretly, often in order to discover information about him, her, or it: He was ... her through the keyhole.
začněte se učit
spy on
He was spying on her through the keyhole.
złożony na piśmie
začněte se učit
submitted in writing
pod nadzorem
to watch a person or activity to make certain that everything is done correctly, safely, etc.: The UN is ... the distribution of aid by local agencies in the disaster area.
začněte se učit
The UN is supervising the distribution of aid by local agencies in the disaster area.
iść ramię w ramię, łeb w łeb
opposing each other in direct competition: The two giant aircraft companies ... for the $2 billion order.
začněte se učit
go head to head
The two giant aircraft companies went head-to-head for the $2 billion order.
ścięcie głowy
to cut off someone's head, especially as a punishment
začněte se učit
zdeprawowany, niemoralny
morally bad or evil: Someone who can kill a child like that must be totally...
začněte se učit
Someone who can kill a child like that must be totally depraved.
strona fanowska
a website for people who like a particular actor, television programme, etc. He downloaded the song from a ... of the singer.
začněte se učit
He downloaded the song from a fansite of the singer.
wyśmiewać, przedrzeźniać
to laugh at someone, often by copying them in a funny but unkind way: They were ... him because he kept falling off his bike.
začněte se učit
They were mocking him because he kept falling off his bike.
ogłupiać kogoś
The internet is ... and destroying your wonderful souls.
začněte se učit
rot sb's brain
The internet is rotting your brain and destroying your wonderful souls.
źródło (informacji)
a useful or valuable possession or quality of a country, organization, or person: This book is an indispensable ... for researchers.
začněte se učit
This book is an indispensable resource for researchers.
menel infml
someone who has no home or job and lives by asking other people for money
začněte se učit
wejść do sieci
we can ... anywhere
začněte se učit
get online
we can get online anywhere
a trick intended to deceive someone: It was just a ... to distract her while his partner took the money.
začněte se učit
It was just a ruse to distract her while his partner took the money.
zalogować się na (stronie internetowej)
začněte se učit
log on to
kropka w adresie strony internetowej
začněte se učit
začněte se učit
zjechać w dół do..., zeskrolować do...
začněte se učit
scroll down to
ściągnąć (plik)
to copy or move programs or information into a computer's memory, especially from the internet or a larger computer; I ... the software and installed it.
začněte se učit
I downloaded the software and installed it.
začněte se učit
bippity boppity boo
nasze kłamstwo ma krótkie nogi
začněte se učit
our pants are on fire
zawiesić się (o komputerze)
If a computer or system crashes, it suddenly stops operating: My laptop's ... again.
začněte se učit
My laptop's crashed again.
uruchomić ponownie (komputer)
(of a computer) to switch off and then start again immediately, or to make a computer do this: If this doesn't work, close the application and ... the system.
začněte se učit
If this doesn't work, close the application and reboot the system.
a book that gives you practical instructions on how to do something or how to use something, such as a machine: The computer comes with a 600-page instruction...
začněte se učit
The computer comes with a 600-page instruction manual.
zmylić infml
This thing's just...
začněte se učit
fake sb out
This thing's just faking you out.
domowe sposoby
we tried a few...
začněte se učit
home remedies
we tried a few home remedies
robić kopię zapasową
to make an extra copy of computer information: Make sure you ... your files.
začněte se učit
back up
Make sure you back up your files.
płyta główna
the main printed circuit board that contains the CPU of a computer and makes it possible for the other parts of a computer to communicate with each other
začněte se učit
Pamięć operacyjna (RAM)
začněte se učit
RAM = random access memory
to get back something lost or spent: Police only ... a very small percentage of stolen goods.
začněte se učit
Police only recover a very small percentage of stolen goods.
If you ... something broken, damaged, or lost, you provide a new one: I promised to ... the plate that I'd dropped.
začněte se učit
I promised to replace the plate that I'd dropped.
zapisać (plik)
to put information into a computer's memory or onto a computer disk: Don't forget to ... your work regularly.
začněte se učit
Don't forget to save your work regularly.
a written promise from a company to repair or replace a product that develops a fault within a particular period of time, or to do a piece of work again if it is not satisfactory: The ... covers the car mechanically for a year, with unlimited mileage.
začněte se učit
The warranty covers the car mechanically for a year, with unlimited mileage.
Tak myślałem, że nie.
začněte se učit
Didn't think so.
maszyna do pisania
a machine with keys that you press to produce letters and numbers on paper: He still uses an old...
začněte se učit
He still uses an old typewriter.
to make someone extremely angry: His sexist attitude ... me.
začněte se učit
His sexist attitude infuriates me.
szansa infml
an attempt to do or achieve something that you have not done before: I thought I'd have a ... at making my own wine. // You only have one...
začněte se učit
I thought I'd have a shot at making my own wine. // You only have one shot
komputer stacjonarny
a computer that fits on a desk but that is not easily moved from place to place: First decide whether you need a ..., or whether a laptop or notebook would be more suitable.
začněte se učit
desktop computer
First decide whether you need a desktop computer, or whether a laptop or notebook would be more suitable.
trwoga fml
fear or worry about what is going to happen: We view future developments with some...
začněte se učit
We view future developments with some trepidation.
causing a lot of destruction, or a sudden, violent change: These countries are on the brink of ... famine.
začněte se učit
These countries are on the brink of cataclysmic famine.
bunt maszyn
začněte se učit
rise of the machines
na nic
with no good result or for no purpose: Let us make sure that these brave men and women did not die...
začněte se učit
for nothing
Let us make sure that these brave men and women did not die for nothing.
a screen that is part of a computer system or other piece of equipment: He showed me the picture on his digital camera's ... screen.
začněte se učit
He showed me the picture on his digital camera's display screen.
dostrzec infml
to see, hear, or understand something or someone with difficulty: I couldn't quite...
začněte se učit
make out
I couldn't quite make out
only and not involving anyone or anything else: I bought it ... for that purpose.
začněte se učit
I bought it solely for that purpose.
najlepszy, najważniejszy
used to describe the best person, thing, or place for a particular purpose or need: For 20 years, Wild Mountain was the ... store for outdoor enthusiasts.
začněte se učit
For 20 years, Wild Mountain was the go-to store for outdoor enthusiasts.
the instructions that control what a computer does; computer programs: He's written a piece of ... that does your taxes for you.
začněte se učit
He's written a piece of software that does your taxes for you.
enough for a particular purpose: This recipe should be ... for five people.
začněte se učit
This recipe should be sufficient for five people.
zajmuje mniej miejsca
It ... on your drive
začněte se učit
takes up less space
It takes up less spaceon your drive
system operacyjny
a set of programs that control the way a computer system works, especially how its memory is used and how different programs work together; A leading economist denied that the firm has a monopoly in the PC ... market.
začněte se učit
operating system
A leading economist denied that the firm has a monopoly in the PC operating system market.
wkleić (tekst)
to move a piece of text to a particular place in a computer document: Cut that paragraph and then ... it at the end of the page.
začněte se učit
Cut that paragraph and then paste it at the end of the page.
a company that produces goods in large numbers: Germany is a major ... of motor cars.
začněte se učit
Germany is a major manufacturer of motor cars.
wejście USB
začněte se učit
USB port
a small piece of equipment that you connect to a computer or other piece of electronic equipment to copy and store information
začněte se učit
USB dongle, flash drive, USB stick, memory stick, thumb drive
Może to i dobrze
začněte se učit
Maybe it's for the better
złą stroną do góry
trying to insert the drive ... every time
začněte se učit
the wrong side up
trying to insert the drive the wrong side up every time
informatyk, spec od komputerów infml
začněte se učit
IT guy
specjalist ds. IT
začněte se učit
IT specialist (information technology)
w chmurze (internetowej)
keep files ... such as Dropbox
začněte se učit
in a cloud
keep files in a cloud such as Dropbox
przewód ładowania
use your laptop with the ... attached
začněte se učit
charging cable
use your laptop with the charging cable attached
w pełni naładowany
this way the battery is not being used when the computer is...
začněte se učit
fully charged
this way the battery is not being used when the computer is fully charged
przedłużyć (żywotność)
to make something last longer: I need to ... my visa (= make it last longer). // this will ... its life
začněte se učit
I need to extend my visa (= make it last longer). // this will extend its life
wyskakujący komunikat
a new window that opens quickly on a computer screen in front of what you are working on: software to block...
začněte se učit
pop-up message
software to block pop-ups
wylogować się z (konta)
to end a connection to a computer system by clicking on a spot on the computer screen: // ... any sites
začněte se učit
log out of
log out of any sites
ustawić (hasło)
... a password
začněte se učit
set up (password)
set up a password
to enter a password or number in order to be able to use a mobile phone: You need to know the secret PIN to ... your mobile phone upon power up.
začněte se učit
You need to know the secret PIN to unlock your mobile phone upon power up.
to get into someone else's computer system without permission in order to find out information or do something illegal: He claimed they had spied on him and tried to ... his computer.
začněte se učit
He claimed they had spied on him and tried to hack his computer.
helpful, useful, or good: Only some bacteria are harmful - many are...
začněte se učit
Only some bacteria are harmful - many are beneficial.
rzetelny, niezawodny
reliable information or data is accurate or able to be trusted: Currently, investors do not always have access to ... information when they need it.
začněte se učit
Currently, investors do not always have access to reliable information when they need it.
prawa autorskie
the legal right to control the production and selling of a book, play, film, photograph, or piece of music: Who owns/holds the ... on this article?
začněte se učit
Who owns/holds the copyright on this article?
a useful or valuable possession or quality of a country, organization, or person: Britain's mineral ... include coal and gas deposits.
začněte se učit
Britain's mineral resources include coal and gas deposits.
włamać się do (domu)
to enter a building illegally and steal things: When they got back from their holiday they found that their home had been...
začněte se učit
When they got back from their holiday they found that their home had been burgled.
z szacunku do
but also ... the right to make their own decisions about publishing their image
začněte se učit
out of respect for
but also out of respect for the right to make their own decisions about publishing their image
To najlepszy program moim zdaniem (chodzi o oprogramowanie)
začněte se učit
This is my go-to software
Masz pendrive'a?
začněte se učit
Do you have a flash drive?
Pamiętaj, żeby robić kopie zapasowe
začněte se učit
Remember to back up your data
złącze USB
začněte se učit
USB connector
wtyczka USB
začněte se učit
USB plug
przewód USB
začněte se učit
USB cable
the place on a mobile phone or other electronic device where you can set various functions: You need to go into the ... to change your ringtone.
začněte se učit
You need to go into the settings to change your ringtone.
Wi-fi nie działa
začněte se učit
The Wi-Fi is down
JPEG (format zapisu obrazu)
začněte se učit
začněte se učit
a person whose way of life is at a very early stage of development: Twelve thousand years ago, our ancestors were primitive ... living in caves.
začněte se učit
Twelve thousand years ago, our ancestors were primitive savages living in caves.
a large building for storing things before they are sold, used, or sent out to shops, or: The goods have been sitting in a ... for months because a strike has prevented distribution.
začněte se učit
The goods have been sitting in a warehouse for months because a strike has prevented distribution.
zakład (kiedy się o coś zakładamy)
an amount of money that you risk in the hope of winning more, by trying to guess something uncertain, or the agreement that you make to take this risk: He tried to eat 50 hard-boiled eggs, for a...
začněte se učit
He tried to eat 50 hard-boiled eggs, for a wager.
projekt ustawy
a formal statement of a planned new law that is discussed before being voted on: The ... was defeated in the Commons by 249 votes to 131.
začněte se učit
The bill was defeated in the Commons by 249 votes to 131.
kaloryfer na brzuchu / sześciopak infml
a set of well-developed muscles on someone's stomach: I train to be fit for football, but I bare my ... on the beach in San Diego.
začněte se učit
I train to be fit for football, but I bare my six-pack on the beach in San Diego.
loved very much: Her ... husband died last year.
začněte se učit
Her beloved husband died last year.
zapalić się
to (cause to) start burning or explode: The fuel spontaneously ... because of the high temperature and pressure.
začněte se učit
The fuel spontaneously ignites because of the high temperature and pressure.

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