Introducing yourself, jobs, roles and responsibilities (Inżynier Budownictwa 04/2018)

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kierownik budowy
začněte se učit
site manager
Hi everyone, good to see you. My name is George and I'm the site manager. I'm in charge of this site. I want you to get to know each other, so could you please say your name and job?
dotrzymywać harmonogramu
začněte se učit
to stay on schedule
My task is to make sure that things stay on schedule and within the budget, and that all of you do your job.
zamknąć się w budżecie
začněte se učit
to stay within budget
My task is to make sure that things stay on schedule and within the budget, and that all of you do your job.
začněte se učit
I am also responsible for coordinating suppliers of building materials and equipment.
robotnik, pracownik fizyczny
začněte se učit
labourer/(manual) worker
J: Hi, I'm John. Labourer. P: Hello, I'm Pierre, from France. I'm labourer too.
začněte se učit
Good morning. I'm Adam. I, m from Poland. I'm an electrician by trade.
začněte se učit
A: And this is my apprentice. I look after him and train him. K: Hi I'm Karol Kraszewski and I also come from Poland. I learn on the job.
začněte se učit
začněte se učit
kierownik robót
začněte se učit
project manager
začněte se učit
security guard
I'm security guard. I control access to the site.
začněte se učit
land surveyor
operator ciężkiego sprzętu (np. operator dźwigu)
začněte se učit
heavy equipment operator (e.g. crane operator)
cieśla, stolarz
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začněte se učit
začněte se učit
začněte se učit
začněte se učit
začněte se učit
specjalista od ogrzewania, wentylacji i klimatyzacji
začněte se učit
HVAC technician [HVAC = Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning]
začněte se učit
He also deals with subcontractors, liaises with suppliers and discusses the details with the client.
pracujący na własny rachunek
začněte se učit
generalny wykonawca
začněte se učit
general contractor
Well, what else shall I tell you? Soon I will also introduce our general contractor, Mr Smith to you. His role is to make sure we have the suport we need for materials and equipment.
współpracować z
začněte se učit
to liaise with
inspektor nadzoru
začněte se učit
building/site inspector
G: Is he on the site today? T: Yes, he's over there talking to a building inspector.
Jak się nazywasz?
začněte se učit
What's your name?
Nazywam się...
začněte se učit
I'm... / My name is...
Czym się zajmujesz?
začněte se učit
What do you do (for a living)?
Thomas, it's just you left. What do you do?
Jestem (np. elektrykiem)
začněte se učit
I am a(n) (e.g. electrician)
Skąd jesteś?
začněte se učit
Where are you from?
Jestem z...
začněte se učit
I'm from... / I come from...
Miło cię poznać.
začněte se učit
Pleased to meet you.
Odpowiadam za...
začněte se učit
I'm in charge of...
Jestem odpowiedzialny za...
začněte se učit
I'm responsible for...
Czy możesz przeliterować swoje imię / nazwisko?
začněte se učit
Can you spell your first / last name?
P: Could you spell your last name? K: Sure, that's K-R-A-S-Z-E-W-S-K-I. P: Thank you.
Pracuję na własny rachunek.
začněte se učit
I'm self-employed.
Jaki jest twój numer telefonu?
začněte se učit
What’s your telephone number?
G: IfI am not on the site and you need help with something urgent, you can call me. A: What's your telephone numer? G: It's 669 887 236. Let me write it down on the board. Well, what else shall I tell you?
Czy jest dzisiaj na budowie?
začněte se učit
Is on a site today?
T: Oh, I forgot to tell you that Mr Smith was looking for you in the morning before our meeting. G: Is he on the site today?
szkolenie BHP (Bezpieczeństwo i higiena pracy)
začněte se učit
OHS (Occupational health and safety) training
OK, thank you. Oh, it's already 11 o, clock. Let's have a 15-minute break then. I'll check what Mr Smith wants from me. Once I'm back, we'll plan the works for today. We'll also talk about OHS regulations. These we'll also discuss each time we start work.
zgłaszać wypadek (zdarzenie)
začněte se učit
report an accident (issue)
G: Any questions? K: Everything is clear. G: Great! You should report all the issues directly to me. In general, I'm on site from 7 am every day so you can find me here.

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