iwka 30th May 2014 (1h 35min)

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otázka odpověď
mieć alergię
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to be allergic TO sth
Most men are allergic to housework;]
jestem w pracy
začněte se učit
I'm at work
ona szuka pracy
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she is looking FOr a job
po lewej
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on your left / on your left hand side
začněte se učit
začněte se učit
Jaka jest teraz pogoda w swwałkach?
začněte se učit
What's the weather LIKE in Suwałki?
zapisać się na...
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to enrol FOR / ON sth; to enroll (AmE)
w cieniu
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in the shade
na słońcu
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in the sun
z dużym wyprzedzeniem
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well in advance
zbieg okoliczności
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'I'm going to Appleby tomorrow.' 'What a coincidence! I'm going up there too.'
zepsuć coś (np. niespodziankę)
začněte se učit
to spoil sth
Why do you always have to spoil everything?
czy umiesz grać na gitarze?
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can you play the guitar?
czy kiedykolwiek jadłaś ślimaki?
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HAVE you ever EATEN snails?
piwo pszeniczne
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wheat beer
twoje okulary są w szufladzie
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your glasses are in the drawer
nie marnuj pieniędzy
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don't waste your money
jestem nad jeziorem
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I'm by the lake
on tęskni za przyjaciółmi
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he misses his friends
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to regret doing sth
I regret going to Germay.
robić skręta
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to skin up a fat one, to roll a joint
wrzeszczeć na kogoś
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to yell AT someone
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scratched, grazed
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złożyć datek
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to make a donation
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Millions of elderly people live in poverty.
przewlekle chory
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chronically ill
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začněte se učit
to do some sightseeing, to go sightseeing
She swam and sunbathed, went sightseeing and relaxed.
opalać się
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to do some sunbathing, to sunbathe
Let's go and sunbathe/do some sunbathing (NOT have a sunbath).
Her mother was sunbathing in the back garden.
začněte se učit
to take a rest / have a rest / rest
začněte se učit
začněte se učit
czuj się jak u sibie w domu
začněte se učit
make yourself at home
trzymaj się
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take care
świetnie się bawić
začněte se učit
to have a blast, to have fun
We had a blast at the party.

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