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everything that company owns
začněte se učit
everything that company owes
shareholders equity
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what is left after all payment
profit and loss account PO POLSKU
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konto przychodu i strat
cash flow statement
začněte se učit
stały przypływ gotówki
revenue/ income
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money from the consumers
cost of goods/ variable costs
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direct costs, example raw materials
gross profit
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income-cost of goods
operation costs/ fixed costs
začněte se učit
indirect costs, example: rent
operating profit
začněte se učit
gross profit-operating costs
tax and depreciation
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money from government, lossee in value
net profit after tax
začněte se učit
income or loss after deducting all costs
začněte se učit
money for shareholders
retained profit
začněte se učit
money invested once again on the company
začněte se učit
is responsible when someone is absent
začněte se učit
person in training

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