otázka |
odpověď |
začněte se učit
polite. polite. polite. polite.
Zatrudniamy tylko uprzejme osoby. začněte se učit
We only employ polite. people. We only. employ. polite. people. We only employ polite people.We. only. employ. polite. people.
začněte se učit
employ. employ. employ. employ.
začněte se učit
request. request. request. request.
začněte se učit
polite request. polite request. polite request. polite request.
zastanawiałam się, czy mogłabyś / mógłbyś... začněte se učit
I was wondering if you could. I was wondering if you could. I was wondering if you could.
zastanawiałam się, czy mogłabyś (mógłbyś) zrobić coś dla mnie začněte se učit
I was wondering if you could do something for me. I was wondering if you could do something for me. I was. wondering.if. you. could do something for me. I was wondering.if. you. could.do. something. for.me.
Zastanawiałem się, czy mógłbyś pojechać ze mną do Warszawy začněte se učit
I was wondering if you could come with me to Warsaw. I was wondering if you could come with me to Warsaw. I was wondering.if. you. could. come. with me to Warsaw. I was wondering if. you. could. come. with. me to. Warsaw.
Zastanawiałem się, czy mógłbyś naprawić tę drukarkę. začněte se učit
I was wondering if you could repair this printer. I was wondering if you could repair this printer. I was wondering if you could repair. this. printer. I was wondering. if you. could. repair. this. printer.
Zastanawiałem się, czy mógłbyś pomalować pokój. začněte se učit
I was wondering if you could paint the room. I was wondering if you could paint the room. I was. wondering. if you. could. paint. the room. I was wondering if you could paint the room.
Zastanawiałem się, czy mógłbyś zadzwonić do tej firmy. začněte se učit
I was wondering if you could call this company. I was wondering if you could call this company. I was. wondering.if. you. could. call this. company. I was wondering. if you could. call. this company.
Zastanawiałem się, czy mógłbyś poinformować naszego klienta. začněte se učit
I was wondering if you could inform our client. I was wondering if you could inform our client. I was wondering if you. could. inform. our. client. I was wondering.if. you. could. inform. our. client.
začněte se učit
Would you be able to ...? Would you be able to ...? Would you be able to ...? Would you be able to ...? Would you be able to ...?
Czy byłby pan w stanie...? začněte se učit
Would you be able to ...? Would you be able to ...? Would you be able to ...?
Czy byłby pan w stanie coś dla mnie wydrukować? začněte se učit
Would you be able to print something for me? Would you be able to print something for me? Would. you.be. able.to. print. something for me? Would. you.be. able.to. print. something. for. me?
Czy byłbyś w stanie pomóc mi z tą maszyną? začněte se učit
Would you be able to help me with this machine? Would you be able to help. me with. this. machine? Would you be able to help me with. this. machine? Would you.be. able.to. help.me. with. this. machine?
Czy byłbyś w stanie poprowadzić tę ciężąrówkę? začněte se učit
Would. you.be. able.to. drive. this. truck? Would you be able to drive this truck? Would you be able to drive this truck? Would. you.be. able.to. drive. this. truck?
Czy byłbyś w stanie tam zaparkować? začněte se učit
Would you be able to park there? Would you be able to. park. there? Would. you.be. able.to. park there? Would. you.be. able.to. park. there?
Czy byłbyś w stanie otworzyć dla mnie drzwi? začněte se učit
Would you be able to open the door for me, please? Would you be able to open the door for me, please? Would. you.be. able.to. open. the. door. for. me, please? Would you be. able to. open the door. for me., please?
Czy mógłbym dostać (prosić o...) začněte se učit
Could I have...? Could I have...? Could I have...? Could I have...?
Czy mógłbym prosić o klucz začněte se učit
Could I have the key please? Could I have the key please? Could I have the key please? Could. I have. the. key. please? Could. I have. the. key. please?
začněte se učit
within. within. within. within,
začněte se učit
within 10 minutes. within 10 minutes. within 10 minutes. within 10 minutes. within 10 minutes.
začněte se učit
within half an hour. within half an hour. within half an hour. within half an hour.
Czy mógłbym prosić o klucz w przeciągu 15 min.? začněte se učit
Could I have a key within 15 minutes? Could I have a key within 15 minutes? Could I have. a key. within. 15 minutes? Could. I have. a key. within. 15. minutes?
začněte se učit
Czy mógłbym prosić (dostać) przepustkę w przeciągu pół godziny? začněte se učit
Could I have a pass within half an hour? Could I have a pass within half an hour? Could. I have. a pass. within. half.an. hour, please.? Could. I have. a pass. within. half.an. hour?
Odwiedzę ciebie w przeciągu 1 tyg. začněte se učit
I will visit you within 1 week. I will visit you within 1 week. I will visit you within 1 week. I will. visit. you. within. 1 week.
Porozmawiam z tobą w przeciągu 20 min. začněte se učit
I'll talk to you within 20 minutes. I'll talk to you within 20 minutes. I will talk. to you. within. 20 minutes. I will. talk.to. you. within. 20 minutes.
začněte se učit
Could you possibly...? Could you possibly...? Could you possibly...? Could you possibly...? Could you possibly...?
Czy mógłbyś (możliwie) wysłać mi (ten film)? začněte se učit
Could you (possibly) send me (this movie)? Could you (possibly) send me (this movie)? Could you (possibly) send me (this movie)? Could. you. (possibly.) send.me. (this. movie)?
tak szybko jak to jest możliwe začněte se učit
as soon as possible. as soon as possible. as soon as possible. as soon as possible.
Czy byłby pan/i w stanie odpowiedzieć na moje pytania w przeciągu 2 dni? začněte se učit
Would you be able to answer my questions within 2 days? Would you be able to answer my questions within 2 days? Would you be able to answer my questions within 2 days? Would you be able to. answer.my. questions. within 2 days?
Czy mógłbyś (możliwie) odpowiedzieć na moje pytania w przeciągu 3 dni? začněte se učit
Could you (possibly) answer my questions within 3 days? Could you (possibly) answer my questions. within. 3. days? Could you (possibly.) answer.my. questions. within. 3 days?
začněte se učit
I urgently need this. I urgently need this. I urgently. need. this. I urgently. need this.
začněte se učit
urgently. urgently. urgently. urgently.
začněte se učit
urgent. urgent. urgent. urgent.