January 2024

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a short, loud, high sound
She gave three short hoots on the car horn. He gave a hoot of laughter/derision. There were some hoots from the audience at these so-called experts.
wynikać, następować; wywiązywać się
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to happen after something else, especially as a result of it:
what ensued afterwards, was the marvelous, enduring loving relationship between these two people. The police officer said that he had placed the man under arrest and that a scuffle had ensued. To find out what ensues, one must watch the film
jarzmo, et åk
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a wooden bar that is fastened over the necks of two animals, especially cattle, and connected to the vehicle or load that they are pulling
All these different political elements have somehow been yoked together to form a new alliance.
koleżeński, spoufalony
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She tells the two of them to look chummy for the picture.
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a sexual organ above the vagina that can give a woman sexual pleasure when it is touched
czynnik rokowniczy, czynnik prognostyczny
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something such as an event or fact that enables you to say what will happen in the future:
One of the best predictors of a student's achievement is the socioeconomic status of the parents. We need to examine the predictors in order to proceed.
indeks glikemiczny
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glycemic index
a system for listing foods according to how quickly they increase the level of sugar in your blood
Boiled carrot has a high glycemic index.
bakterie mlekowe
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lactic bacteria
zadziałać, załatwić sprawę (być odpowiednim rozwiązaniem)
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do the trick
Only chicken soup seems to do the trick when I have a hangover.
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The source remained undisclosed.
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intractable, fractious
very difficult or impossible to control, manage, or solve:
We are facing an intractable problem. My puppy is fractious, so I have a hard time schooling it. a fractious child
smarkacz / smarkula
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a child, especially one who behaves badly
Stop it, you're being a brat! My sister is coming over at the weekend with her brats. spoilt brat
czochrać, mierzwić, gnieść; stroszyć
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to touch or move something smooth so that it is not even
She affectionately ruffled his hair with her hand as she passed. The birds ruffled their feathers (up) in alarm.
migawka, szybki ogląd
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a piece of information or short description that gives an understanding of a situation at a particular time
Credit rating agencies provide a snapshot of the risks an investment poses at any one time.
przyblokować kogoś, unieszkodliwić, zablokować
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box somebody in
to move so close to someone or something that the person or thing cannot move away
When I got back to my car, I found it had been boxed in by a lorry.
sztuka władania płachtą przez matadora
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He wanted to do capework with the bulls. They give instruction on capework and lend the club an ambience of authenticity.
przykleić się do kogoś, przyczepić się do kogo, uczepić się kogoś
zamknięcie na zatrzask
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latch onto somebody
to become connected to something: to stay close to someone or spend a lot of time with someone, usually when they do not want you near
The antibodies work by latching onto proteins on the surfaces of the viruses and bacteria. She latched onto me as soon as she arrived, and I had to spend the rest of the evening talking to her.
ćwierć tylna zwierzęcia
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the back part of an animal with four legs
podniesienie statusu (np. sąsiedztwa, okolicy
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the process by which a place, especially part of a city, changes from being a poor area to a richer one, where people from a higher social class live:
Ordinary working people have been priced out of East London by gentrification.
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antique shop. antiquarian shop
second -hand shop
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hickey, love bite
A love bite is a temporary red mark on a person's skin resulting from kissing by their lover.
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When the turbine drops in, it will produce 8,000 watts of electricity, day and night
kursować (tam i z powrotem), jeździć (tam i z powrotem),
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the airplane shuttles from Grimsby to Warsaw every other day in the peak season
kroplówka, stopniowe dzielenie się, karmieniem
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drip feed
introduce (fluid) drop by drop.
"the oiler drip-feeds oil on to all drive chains". Rather than give it all out at once, you decide to drip feed it to your followers and build a hype campaign
sklecać naprędce
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cobble sth together
. to make or assemble roughly or hastily
the stranded hikers cobbled together a rickety shelter for the night
wypłata, koperta z wypłatą
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a check in payment of wages or salary 2 : WAGES, SALARY
I went to the office to pick up my paycheck. Your weekly paycheck will be almost $600 after taxes.
zirytowany, coś irytującego
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I decided this peeve of his had gone far enough. Not just your mate Bill who could be a bit peeved.
interesujący, intrygujący, pasjonujący, wciągający (np. o książce)
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It was a riveting story.
sedno; oś, coś wokół czego coś się obraca, główna postać, OBRACAĆ SIĘ
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to turn on or as if on a pivot
a TV stand that pivots She pivoted on her heel and stalked out of the room. The plot pivots on the discovery that Emily, who had for years been presumed dead, is found alive.
ściągnąć coś na kogoś, przyciągnąć coś do kogoś (np. klęskę, nieszczęście)
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bring something upon
You brought disgrace on the whole family.
tłumiący, powstrzymujący
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suppress the test results
rzucać się (z góry), spadać nagle (na coś); nalot
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Five people were apprehended during the police swoop. The hawk swooped down on its prey. The bikes swooped down on her before she had the chance to stand.
zanurzalny; statek co się zanurza
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a type of ship that can travel underwater, especially one that operates without people being in it
Undersea geologists hope to send the unmanned submersible vehicle on dives at 12 sites.
od ręki, bezceremonialnie, z biegu
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offhand, offhandedly, codl
The question was impossible for me to answer in an offhand way. He had heard the offhand comments the police made about her. We have to do this cold, there's no time.
działać komuś na nerwy
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get on somebody's nerves
troska (o kogoś), dbałość (o kogoś)
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the quality of caring about other people's comfort, safety, and how they feel:
I'm touched by your solicitude.
zbyt rozbudowana biurokracja
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red tape
official rules and processes that seem unnecessary and delay results:
We must cut through the red tape. Reducing taxes and red tape would help to create new companies.

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