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otázka odpověď
najwyższa stawka, pula skumulowana
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the largest prize in a competition or game
The jackpot was over $1 million. I dreamt that I won/hit the jackpot.
istotność, waga
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Hard to believe when you consider the salience of these issues today. But campaign reform turns out to have surprising political salience.
pozostały, ocalały
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an extant stave church
mleczarnia, przemysł mleczny
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my wife runs the dairy
dygniecie, ukłon, dygnac
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When a girl or woman curtsies, she bends quickly at the knees, with one foot in front of the other, often while holding her skirt, especially to show respect: bow
She curtsied to the Queen. The children curtsied and ran out of the room.
podejść blisko do czegoś, zbankrutowany
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belly up
hopelessly ruined or defeated especially: BANKRUPT. to move close or next to
the business went belly-up. bellied up to the bar. belly up to the buffet table and help yourselves
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wesoły, radosny
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być czymś nieświadomym
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be oblivious to something
not conscious of something, especially what is happening around you
Absorbed in her work, she was totally oblivious of her surroundings. The mayor seems oblivious to the likely effects of the new legislation.
wymagany, konieczny; warunek (niezbędnik)
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integral. necessary or needed for a particular purpose:
He lacked the requisite skills for the job. The requisite number of countries have now ratified the convention. A good book is a requisite for long journeys. Self-esteem, self-judgment and self-will are said to be the three requisites of independence.
korzystny, organizm pożyteczny
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helpful, useful, or good:
The improvement in sales figures had a beneficial effect/influence on the company as a whole. A stay in the country will be beneficial to his health.
stenografia, SKRÓT OD CZEGOŚ
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a system of fast writing that uses lines and simple signs to represent words and phrases:
Their conversations were taken down in shorthand by a secretary. This can be seen as a form of shorthand for what has come before.
bez wachania, ochoczo / chętnie; bez trudu, z łatwością
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happily, willingly
She readily agreed to help us. He'll readily tell you this story once again. This product is readily available in most supermarkets.
pochyłość, nachylenie
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gradient (grade)
how steep a slope is:
a steep/gentle gradient
odnosić sukcesy, zwiedzać podróżować
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go places
When I heard Luciano singing for the first time, I knew he would go places. I could see why people spent so much time going places. He wanted to go places, to see and do things.
jęczeć, narzekać, biadolić (w denerwujący sposób); bolączką, powód do narzekań
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a strong complaint
He keeps griping that he has no money. Her biggest gripe is that he is happy with someone new. Her main gripe is that she's not being trained properly.
dwuwęglan sodu (soda oczyszczona)
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bicarbonate of soda
Add the bicarbonate of soda and stir with a teaspoon.
niepewny, ryzykowny, nietrwały
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in a dangerous state because of not being safe or not being held in place firmly: A precarious situation is likely to get worse:
The lorry was lodged in a very precarious way, with its front wheels hanging over the cliff. Many borrowers now find themselves caught in a precarious financial position. She was blissfully unaware of the precariousness of her situation.
kończyć się rozczarowaniem/kończyć się fiaskiem
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fizzle out
to gradually end, often in a disappointing or weak way:
They went to different universities and their relationship just fizzled out.
błogi, rozkoszny, niebiański
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extremely or completely happy
a blissful childhood/holiday We spent a blissful year together before things started to go wrong. untethered feeling of blissful latitude
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into or connected to a vein
intravenous feeding/fluids an intravenous drip/injection Intravenous drug users are at particular risk of contracting the disease.
absolutny, całkowity; niezłagodzony, niepomniejszony
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complete, often describing something bad or unsuccessful that has no good or positive points:
The whole venture has been an unmitigated disaster. Her new business proved to be an unmitigated disaster
wybierać, mianować
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I name you my knight
bezwstydny, bezczelny; również mosiężny
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obvious, without any attempt to be hidden. obviously cheek. made of or covered in brass (= a bright yellow metal):
brazen cheating He told me a brazen lie. What lies beyond the brazen gates of the palace? I hope that he will forgive me for being so brazen
Gotowy, przygotowany; opanowany
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If an object or a part of your body is poised, it is completely still but ready to move at any moment: ready to do a particular thing at any moment:
My pencil was poised over the page, ready to take down her words. The company is poised to launch its new advertising campaign. The military forces are poised for attack.
oszczerstwo, obelga; mówić niewyraźnie (bełkotać)
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a remark that criticizes someone and is likely to have a harmful effect on their reputation:. o pronounce the sounds of a word in a way that is wrong or not clear
Her letter contained several outrageous slurs against/on her former colleagues. His comments cast a slur on the integrity of his employees... Her speech was slurred but she still denied she was drunk.
szarmancki, dżentelmeńsi rycerski(a zatem odważny)
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(of a man) polite and kind towards women, especially when in public. showing no fear of dangerous or difficult things:
That wasn't very gallant of you, Paul, pushing a young lady out of the way like that! Despite fierce competition, she made a gallant effort to win the first medal of the championships. He had gained a popular reputation for his gallantry towards women.
chcąc nie chcąc, gdzie popadnie
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whether you like it or not. without any order
Both sides were drawn, willy-nilly, into the conflict. She threw her clothes willy-nilly into a drawer.
pełny (o wydaniu), nieskrócony (o filmie, książce)
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These include books up to 832 pages, complete and unabridged.
blady (np. o kimś, kto wygląda na chorego), ziemisty (kolor, o cerze)
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(of white-skinned people) yellowish and looking unhealthy. wan
a sallow complexion/face. sallow-faced. Her complexion became sallow because she had been smoking for years.
całkowity, totalny
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complete and with as much effort as possible: full-scale
We made an all-out effort to get the project finished on time.
pojedynek bokserski, choroba (krótki okres gdy ktoś choruje)
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a short period of illness or involvement in an activity: a boxing or wrestling match
He's a former heavyweight champion and is expected to win the bout easily. He suffered from periodic bouts of insanity. a drinking bout
flara, rakieta, zaczerwienienie, rozszerzenie (materiału), błysk
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a sudden increase in the brightness of a fire: the fact of something, especially clothing, becoming wider at one end
This skirt has a definite flare. The flame above the oil well flared (up) into the dark sky
zmartwiony, zasmucony. zawracać sobie czymś głowę, kłopotać się, trudzić się
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put out
She was put out when she heard about the accident. He was put out because his mother was in a hospital.
wyeksmitować, rugować
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to force someone to leave somewhere
Tenants who fall behind in their rent risk being evicted. He was evicted from the bar for drunken and disorderly behaviour. eviction
akcja odwetowa, odwet
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(an example of) activity against another person, especially as a punishment by military forces or a political group
economic/military reprisals They promised that individuals could live freely without fear of reprisal from the military. The attack was in reprisal for the kidnapping of their leaders.
nieprzekonujący, niezbyt entuzjastyczny (np. powitanie, uśmiech)
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showing no enthusiasm or interest: lukewarm, tepid
He made a half-hearted attempt to clear up the rubbish.
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zbędny(o wyjaśnieniach), niepotrzebny (dekoracje)
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The report was overloaded by a mass of superfluous detail. I feel superfluous here.
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relating to someone who starts their own business or is good at seeing new opportunities to make money:
She'll make money - she's got that entrepreneurial spirit. With more people self-employed, has our society become more entrepreneurial?
soczysty, przepyszny, wyśmienity; przyciągający seksualnie
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having a pleasant sweet taste or containing a lot of juice: succulent
luscious ripe figs. This dish was so luscious that I had to ask for seconds. I wish I had a luscious body.
zmniejszenie obciążenia sieci
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load shedding
When the demand for electricity exceeds the available supply, planned supply interruptions may have to be carried out. This is called load shedding.
określenie zbiorowe, określenie zbiorcze
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umbrella term
There are many types of dementia, which is an umbrella term. We use mime as an umbrella term for all the art forms.
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You re such a wit, darling
czytelnicy, krąg czytelników (danego pisma)
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Be sure of your readership and keep them in mind when writing. Its readership on the island is over one million people.
rozpad, schizma
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a division into two groups caused by a disagreement about ideas, especially in a religious organization:
a schism within the church
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to pay someone for work or services
He is poorly remunerated for all the work he does. Many advisors will be remunerated by commission, which means if you do not proceed with their recommendation no fee is paid.
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shrinking violet
a person who is very shy or modest and does not like to attract attention:
my friend is such a shrinking violet among strangers but no sooner than we had gone to the party yesterday that she turned to a party animal. She loves appearing on television and is no shrinking violet when it comes to expressing her views.
mieć już najgorsze za sobą, wychodzić na prostą
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out of the woods
It's still too soon to say they are out of the woods. We had some financial difficulties but we are finally out of the woods. Once you come up with the title for your thesis and an outlet, you will be out of the woods
moje drugie ja, druga natura
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second nature
Dancing is second nature to me. I love it.
mdły, pozbawiony wyrazu
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not having a strong taste or character, or having no interest or energy
a pale insipid wine He's an insipid old bore. Why anyone buys music with such insipid lyrics is a mystery. She delivers an admirable performance, despite the film's insipidness.
pakiet, berbeć (urwis), kupa forsy, załadować, wepchnąć, upchnąć (w pośpiechu)
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a number of things that have been fastened or are held together. to push or put someone or something somewhere quickly and roughly:
a bundle of clothes/newspapers/books a bundle of sticks. He bundled his clothes into the washing machine. She was bundled into the back of the car. We don't want anything to happen to our precious little bundle, do we?
mieć przełożenie na coś, mieć na coś wpływ
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have a bearing on something
It has no bearing on our current situation.
satyra, wykpić kogoś, coś
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a piece of writing, a drawing, etc. that criticizes a famous person or a public organization in a humorous way, allowing their or its bad qualities to be seen and making them or it seem stupid:
The magazine is famed for its merciless political lampoons.
refleksja, uzupełnienie, po namyśle
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Then, as an afterthought, he added "I'll go with you."
prosto, w twarz, bezpośrednio, na pełnym gazie
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flat out
downright, out-and-out. in a blunt and direct manner: OPENLY
it was a flat-out lie. called flat out for revolution. the car does 180 m.p.h. flat out
uszczerbek, szkoda
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harm or damage:
Are you sure that I can follow this diet without detriment to my health? She was very involved with sports at college, to the detriment of (= harming) her studies.
cechą bycia stronniczym
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the quality of expressing or supporting a particular opinion that many people disagree with:
The relationship between the narrative and the actual scientific work is like that between a tendentious documentary film and the actual historical event it depicts.
niespokojny, narowisty, nerwowy
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unwilling to be controlled or be patient. restless
The audience was becoming restive as they waited for the performance to begin.
zbiec, uciekać (zwłaszcza do przeciwnego, wrogiego obozu)
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to leave a country, political party, etc., especially in order to join an opposing one. desert
The British spy, Kim Philby, defected to the Soviet Union/defected from Britain in 1963.
wykluczenie, zawieszenie (w szkole), pominięcie
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Her exclusion from the invitation list was a mistake.
przewidujący, proroczy
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knowing or suggesting correctly what will happen in the future: predictive, visionary
a prescient warning. the prescience of her remarks He can claim an uncanny prescience in his career moves.
żałosny, wzbudzający litość
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causing you to feel sadness and sympathy. pitiful, wretched
The kitten gave a piteous cry.
bruzda (w skórze), kolejna w ziemii
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a long line or hollow that is formed or cut into the surface of something. a trench in the earth made by a plow
A deep furrow has formed in the rock, where water has run over it for centuries. Years of anxiety have lined her brow with deep furrows.
jednoznaczny, jednoznaczny
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univocal, unequivocal
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Other children didn't like John, because he was a sneak.
tyłeczek, łupy (zdobycz)
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any valuable things or money stolen by an army at war or by thieves. the part of the body that you sit on(bottom)
interpolacja, umieszczenia w cudzym tekście fragmentów, które się w nim pierwotnie nie pojawiły
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the addition of something different in the middle of a text, piece of music, etc. or the thing that is added. a remark that interrupts someone or something:
An actor reads the poems in English translation, with brief musical interpolations. The play is based on factual accounts with creative interpolation. They were not amused by his comical interpolations.
1) naciąć 2) buchnąć (ukraść), 3)przyskrzynić (złodzieja)
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to steal something: If the police nick someone, they catch them for committing a crime. to make a small cut in a surface or an edge
I've had my bike nicked again. All right, who's nicked my ruler? They nicked him for driving at 70 in a 50 speed limit area. Paintwork on the corner of a stairway tends to get nicked and scratched.
prostak, głuptasi (przestarzały)
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a person without the usual ability to use reason and understand
The instructions were so complicated I felt like a complete simpleton (loggerhead)
urazić, obrazić
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You never know when you are going to accidentally slight her.
osobliwość, ciekawostka, unikat (o przedmiocie)
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It's quite a curio now, but I'm sure you can find it online somewhere.
arkusz kalkulacyjny
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an electronic document in which information is arranged in rows and columns, and can be used to do financial calculations and plans:
I have created a spreadsheet listing the call charges for various telephone companies. Would it be possible to get an updated spreadsheet with this extra info?

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