K 7 Commercial law & public economic law + criminal law

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a business owned by one person with unlimited liability
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Sole trader / sole proprietorship
business owned by two or more people with unlimited liability
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business owned by shareholders with limited liability, shares can be bought only privately
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Private limited company/ limited liability company (LLC)
business owned by shareholders with limited liability but shares are traded publicly
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Public limited company/ joint stock company
partnership in which there is general partner with unlimited liability and partner with limited liability
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Limited partnership
in case of a company, it is being financially liable up to the value of investment
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Limited liability
to lose all your financial in case of unlimited liability
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to go bankrupt
selling company’s assets to pay company’s debts
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Winding up/ liquidation
business person
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a company
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a person authorized to vote in behalf of shareholder
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annual general meeting
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extraordinary general meeting
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first shareholders
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record of a meeting
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a decision made by shareholders in a meeting
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document containing rules of internal organisation of a company
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Articles of Association
document containing companies data, shareholders, authorized share capital and objects of business
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Memorandum of Association
part of companies profit paid to shareholders usually once a year
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the state of being not able to pay debts
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document giving sb power to represent a person
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Power of attorney
the maximum value of shares that company may issue
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Authorized share capital
value of shares held by shareholders
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Issued share capital
refer to
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Pertain to
certified accountant hired by shareholders to check the companies account
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Kodeks Spółek Handlowych
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Commercial Companies Code
robić coś osobiście
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act in person
przez pełnomocnika
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by proxy
sb who committed a crime
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to discourage sb to do sth by promising severer penalty (odstraszać)
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to deter
to keep under arrest
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to remand in custody
sb under 18
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sb who accuses in a trial
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matching sth in size, importance of quality (współmierny do czegoś)
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Commensurate with sth
telling or lying in court when you are a witness (krzywoprzysięstwo)
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