Kasia 30th March (65 min)

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Probujemy zajść w ciążę od 10 lat.
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We've been trying to get pregnant for 10 years.
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itd, itp.
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and so on and so forth
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on top of that
The company's in financial trouble and on top of that they're losing key staff.
sygnał ostrzegawczy
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a red flag
zarejestrować się
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to register
przejść przez coś
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to go through sth
He went through a lot in his childhood.
światełko w tunelu
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the light at the end of the tunnel
As finals approached, she felt that at last she could see the light at the end of the tunnel.
natknąć się na coś
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I came across sth
możnaby wymieniać w nieskończoność
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and the list goes on
On nigdy nie leciał samolotem.
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He's never been on a plane before.
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a price list
Wydałam tak dużo na IVF.
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I've spent so much on IVF.
przede wszystkim
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most of all
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Ośmielę się powiedzieć, że nie masz racji.
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I dare say you are wrong.
ona jest na łożu śmierci
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she's on her deathbed

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