Kasia 8th Aug 2016

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otázka odpověď
gdy kota nie ma, myszy harcują
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when the cat's away, the mice will play
people enjoy themselves more and behave with greater freedom when the person in charge of them is not there
szukać czegoś w internecie
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to browse
I spent the whole evening just browsing on the Internet. / I browsed the website for information about the event but didn’t find anything useful.
Skończyła nam się farba.
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We have run out of paint.
Brakuje mu doświadczenia. He lacks experience.
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He lacks experience. He lacks experience.
Poszłam, żeby kupić kilka rzeczy do domu (jedzenie, coś do łazienki).
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I went grocery shopping.
food and other things used in the home
Wpadłam na moją przyjaciółkę.
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I bumped into my friend. / I ran into my friend.
bardzo bardzo rzadko
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once in a blue moon
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In the early twentieth century, tuberculosis sanatoriums were common in the US.
Ile razy on był w Truskawcu?
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How many times has he been to Truskawiec?
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fascinated BY
I was fascinated by her voice.
bita smietana
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whipped cream
bułeczka (jadana z masłem)
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a small round cake, sometimes with dried fruit in it and often eaten with butter, jam and cream spread on it
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bun / roll
a small loaf of bread for one person
bun - a small round sweet cake / a small round flat bread roll
gęsta śmieta
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clotted cream
Zakochałam się w tym.
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I fell in love with it.
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curd / quark
serek wiejski, twarożek ziarnisty
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cottage cheese
jajka z chowu ściólkowego
jajka z chowu klatkowego
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free-range eggs
eggs from caged hens
Kiedyś mieliśmy świnie.
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We used to have pigs.
błędne koło
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a vicious circle
targ, na którym sprzedają rolnicy
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farmers' market
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dozens of sth

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