Ketrin 11th June (45 min)

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an increase in how fast something happens
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acceleration (in sth)
There has been a rapid acceleration in the growth of industry.
an acceleration in the rate of economic growth
the rate at which a vehicle increases speed
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This model has the best acceleration of any available sports car.
the pedal in a car or other vehicle that you press with your foot to control the speed of the engine
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an accelerator / a gas pedal
She put her foot on the accelerator and we sped through the traffic lights.
to accelerate
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to speed up
In a vehicle, the ... is the pedal that you press before you change gear.
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the clutch (pedal)
Push the clutch in, put the car into gear, rev the engine, and then gently let the clutch out.
Put your foot on the clutch.
Put it into first ... and let the clutch out slowly.
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Put it into first GEAR and let the clutch out slowly.
a device for slowing or stopping a vehicle
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the brake pedal
to press/​put your foot on the brake pedal
being careful about what you say or do, especially to avoid danger or mistakes; not taking any risks
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to go... a trip
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to go ON a trip
a sports competition involving a number of teams or players who take part in different games and must leave the competition if they lose. The competition continues until there is only the winner left.
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a tournament
one of the many soft light parts covering a bird’s body
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a feather
if a thought, etc. is ... the back of your mind, you are aware of it but it is not what you are mainly thinking about
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AT / IN the back of your mind
The problem was always at the back of my mind.
fine powder, usually yellow, that is formed in flowers and carried to other flowers of the same kind by the wind or by insects, to make those flowers produce seeds
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