laugh hahaha

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a belly laugh
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a loud laugh which cannot be controlled
It's not often you hear the kind of jokes that give you a real belly laugh
a laugh a minute
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very funny and entertaining
Paul's clever screenplay makes this new comedy a laugh a minute.
a laughing stock
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someone who does something very stupid which makes other people laugh at him (usually + of)
I can't cycle around on that old thing! I'll be the laughing stock of the neighbourhood.
not be a bundle of laughs
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to not be entertaining or enjoyable
The funeral wasn't exactly a bundle of laughs
be laughing all the way to the bank
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if someone is laughing all the way to the bank, they have made a lot of money very easily, often because someone else has been stupid
If we don't take this opportunity, you can be sure our competitors will and they'll be laughing all the way to the bank
be laughing on the other side of your face
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if you say someone who is happy will be laughing on the other side of their face, you are angry about the thing that is making them happy and think that something will soon happen to upset them
You'll be laughing out of the other side of your face if you fail your exams.
be laughing up your sleeve
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to laugh at someone secretly, often in an unkind way (often + at)
He persuaded people to believe in him and all the time he was laughing up his sleeve at them.
be no laughing matter
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if a subject is no laughing matter, it is serious and not something that people should make jokes about
Haemorrhoids are all very funny when other people have them, but if you get them yourself, it's no laughing matter.
burst out laughing bust out laughing
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to begin to laugh suddenly
The entire audience burst out laughing when the clown took a fall
die laughing
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to laugh very long and hard.
The play was meant to be funny, but the audience didn't exactly die laughing.
Don't make me laugh.
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something that you say when someone has suggested something that you think is not at all likely to happen
'You never know, Pete might help out.' 'Pete? Help out? Don't make me laugh!'
get a laugh
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to do something to create laughter
John will do almost anything to get a laugh.
have the last laugh
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śmiać się jako ostatni
They fired her last year but she had the last laugh because she was taken on by their main rivals at twice the salary
not know whether to laugh or cry
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to be extremely upset by something bad that has happened
Then they announced that my flight was delayed for ten hours. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
laugh all the way to the bank
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to be very happy about money that has been earned by doing something that other people might think is unfair or that they criticized
She makes tons of money doing what no one else will do and laughs all the way to the bank.
Laugh and the world laughs with you; weep and you weep alone.
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Prov. When you are happy, people will want to be around you and share your happiness, but when you are sad, people will avoid you.
Nancy: When Harry and I were dating, all our friends invited us places and called to say hello. Now that we've broken up, they treat me as if I don't exist. Jane: Laugh and the world laughs with you; weep and you weep alone. See also: alone, and, laugh, weep, world
laugh something away
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to spend an amount of time laughing.
We laughed the hour away listening to the comedian. We laughed away the evening.
laugh soething away
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to get rid of something negative by laughing
Kelly knows how to laugh her problems away
to laugh away at
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to continue to laugh at someone or something
They laughed away at Sue until she fled the room in embarrassment. All the children at the party laughed away at the magician.
laugh down
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to cause someone to quit or cause something to end by laughing in ridicule
Her singing career was destroyed when the audience laughed her down as an amateur.
laugh head off
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to laugh very hard and loudly, as if one's head might come off
The movie was so funny I almost laughed my head off. I laughed my head off at Mary's joke.
laugh like a drain
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to laugh very loudly
I told her what had happened and she laughed like a drain.
laugh off
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to treat a serious problem lightly by laughing at it
Although his feelings were hurt, he just laughed the incident off as if nothing had happened. He laughed off the incident.
laugh someoneoff the stage
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to laugh rudely, forcing a person to leave a stage
The rude audience laughed the politician off the stage. The children laughed the soprano off the stage. She really wasn't very good, you know.
laugh oneself silly
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to laugh very, very hard
I laughed myself silly when I heard that Steven was really going to give the graduation address.
laugh someone out of something
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to force someone to leave a place by laughing in ridicule.
The citizens laughed the speaker out of the hall. We laughed the city council out of the auditorium.
laugh something out of court
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to dismiss something presented in earnest as ridiculous
The committee laughed the suggestion out of court. Bob's request for a large salary increase was laughed out of court.
laugh out of the other side of one's face laugh out of the other side of one's mouth
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to be forced to take a different or opposite view of something humbly; to sing a different tune.
When you get the kind of punishment you deserve, you'll laugh out of the other side of your face. Phil played a dirty trick on me, but he'll be laughing out of the other side of his mouth when I get through with him.
laugh up one's sleeve
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to laugh secretly; to laugh quietly to oneself.
Jane looked very serious, but I knew she was laughing up her sleeve. I told Sally that her dress was darling, but I was laughing up my sleeve because her dress was too small.
laugh with something
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to laugh in a particular manner
Everyone was laughing with glee at the antics of the clown. Max laughed with malice as he saw his plan beginning to work.
no laughing matter
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a serious issue or problem
Be serious. This is no laughing matter. This disease is no laughing matter. It's quite deadly if not treated immediately.
to chuckle
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a quiet laugh
to giggle
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laugh softly, often with the hand covering the mouth, and tends to be associated with silliness.
to titter
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to giggle in nervous way
to snicker
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to laugh briefly often secretly or sarcastically
to gaffow
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to laugh loudly
to snort
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to laugh and suck in air at the same time, making a sound similar to the grunting of a pig.
to snigger
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laugh in a half-suppressed, typically scornful way: (pogardliwy)
the boys at school were sure to snigger at him behind his back
to chortle
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to chuckle gleefully
to snort with lather
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prychac ze smiechu
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describing laugh
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a brittle laugh or smile does not show real humour or happiness
(of a person’s voice) unpleasantly hard and sharp and showing signs of instability or nervousness: a brittle laugh
bez poczucia humoru
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a humourless smile or laugh expresses no pleasure
laughingly mirthful
żartobliwy wesoły
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in a way that shows you think something is silly
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a mirthless smile or laugh expresses feelings such as anger or sadness
mocking jeering
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showing that you think someone or something is stupid
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hollow laugh/voice etc a hollow laugh or voice makes a weak sound and is without emotion

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