Law and the Legal System - basic volcabulary 2

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sb who brings a legal action against another person in a court of law
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Ten plaintiffs are suing the companies for damages from the blast.
a group of usually 12 ordinary people who listen to the details of a case and decide if sb is guilty or innocent
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The judge and the jury examine the evidence and listen to the testimony of the witnesses.
keeping someone in prison until they go to court
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to swear in court that one is not guilty
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plead innocent
an order given by a court which tells sb not to do something
Pol. nakaz/zakaz sądowy
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someone who has been proved to be guilty of a crime and sent to prison
Pol. więzień
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person in a court of law accused of doing something illegal
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The lawyers for the prosecution try to prove that the defendant is guilty,
a formal accusation that someone has committed a crime
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the lawyers who try to prove in a court of law that someone is guilty of a crime
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the prosecution
The lawyers for the prosecution try to prove that the defendant is guilty,
the crime of deceiving people in order to gain something such as money or goods
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the lawyers who try to prove in a court of law that someone is not guilty of a crime
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the defence
the lawyers for the defence try to prove that their client is innocent
a punishment that a judge gives to someone who is guilty
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Eventually the death sentence was overturned by the Supreme Court
information used in a court of law to decide whether the accused is guilty or not
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The judge and the jury examine the evidence
to prove or officially announce that sb is guilty of a crime after a trial in a court of law
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to swear in court that one is guilty
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plead guilty
a type of lawyer in Britain who gives legal advice, prepares the necessary documents when property is bought or sold, and defends people, especially in the lower courts of law
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a statement saying that someone is guilty of a crime.
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evidence that shows conclusively whether something is a fact or not
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a statement that someone has done something wrong, but without any proof
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A committee will investigate allegation of racial discrimination
a public official with authority to hear cases in a court of law and pronounce judgment upon them
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a lawyer in Britain who can argue cases in the higher courts of law;
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money left with a court of law to make sure that someone who has been accu; sed of a crime will come to the court when their trial starts; Pol. kaucja
zwolnienie za kaucją
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Three men were arrested on suspiction of causing violent disorder and were released on police bail
a system that allows some criminals not to go to prison or leave prison if they behave well and use a probation officer regularly;
Pol. nadzór kuratorski
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The judge sentenced Jennings to three years' probation
a document, painting or a banknote that has been copied illegally;
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an official order to appear in a court of law;
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a summons
an official decision made in a court of law, especially about whether someone is guilty of a crime or how a death happened;
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permission for someone to leave prison, on the condition that they promise to behave well;
Pol. zwolnienie warunkowe
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to give a decision in a court of law that someone is not guilty of a crime
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