legal english

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otázka odpověď
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posłuszny, wykonalny
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legal profession
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wszyscy, którzy pracują w prawie
contract law
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prawo umów
the language of tort
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prawo czynów zabronionych
accurate letter writing
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poprawne pisanie pism
understanding contracts
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core subject
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rdzenne przedmioty
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głęboko zakorzeniony
reflect upon
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refklejsa nad
up to date
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na bieżąco
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różnią się
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stosowność, zgodność z tematem
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za granicą
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w kierunku
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na wskroś, poprzez
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(radca prawny) gives legal advice to indyviduals and companies (UK)
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(pełnomocnik prawny) gives legal advice to indyviduals and companies (USA)
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(obrońca) gives legal advice and opinions to solicitors (UK)
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(adwokat) general job title that we use for people who work as a solicitor, barrister or attorney
legal practice
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praktyka prawna
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(sędzia) in UK and USA it is not possible to take a special exam - a
law firm
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(spór) proces of making a claim in the civil court
making claim
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składanie reklamacji
acting for (reprezentowanie)
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represent clients
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(adwokat) speaking for someone in court
pleading a case
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bronić w sprawie
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right of audience (prawo publiczności?)
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barristers have
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speak on behal
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wypowiadać się w imieniu
a procedure
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a decided way of doing something
a party to a court case
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the claimant or the defendant
to owe money to someone
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to have to pay someone for something that they have done for you or given to you
issue a claim
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start a claim in the civil court.(wystąpić z roszczenia)
pay a fee
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pay the court an amount of money for
serve a claim
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send the claim to the defendant’s address
respond to a claim
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confirm that you have received the claim and to say what you will do next.
hear a case
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listen to the details of the claim and listen to what the claimant and defendant say about their dispute.
find in favour of
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decide that this person has won the case (find favour-przypaść do gustu)
give an judgment
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officially announce the result of the case. The judge may give the reasons for thedecision.
make an order
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officially state what someone has to do, and how and when he or she must do it.
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can legally take a person’s property when that person does not pay money that he or she owes.
the duty of care
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civil duty to be careful and not to hurt or harm another person
The law of tort
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says that everyone has a civil duty to be careful and not to hurt or harm another person.
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a tort
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If someone hurts or harms another person because of a breach (czyn niedozwolony), being a type of civil wrong.
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break (naruszenie prawa)
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The tort that happens most often (lekceważenie), someone was not careful enough and this person’s carelessness hurt another person as a result.
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injured person
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The person who is hurt
damages (or compensation)
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money from the careless person.
to sue
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more informal way of saying starting proceedings against someone.
the grounds
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The reasons for going to court
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(zarzut) like an accusation – the claimant is stating that something happened, but the defendant has the opportunity to say this is not true.
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no win-no fee
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The agreement is that if the client does not win the case then he or she does not have to pay for the lawyer’sservices.
to deal with someone or something
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to do business with someone or to take the correct action in an area of work.
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allowed by the law.
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legally correct and acceptable.
to draft a document
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to write a document.
to have a right
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(in intellectual property law) to have a legal interest in something; it is yours.
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a person who steals money or property using or threatening to use violence.
a divorce
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the legal ending of a marriage.
to merge
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(in company law) when two companies join together to form one.
to be based somewhere
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to be established somewhere as the main place where you work or live.
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things that are produced so that they can be sold.
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criminal law
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lawyer who deals with clients who are in trouble with the police is a specialist in
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Last year my bank with a big German bank and they are now called EuropBank. I think they are the biggest bank in Europe now!
Intellectual property law
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A lawyer who deals with clients who create new inventions such as medicines or machines, or new artistic works such as books or music, is a specialist in.
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I spent three hours this morning a contract for my new client. I think the contract is ready for him to read and sign now.
the law of equity and trusts
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I want to put some of my money into a fund for the benefit of my grandchildren, which they will have when they reach the age of 18. I need to see a lawyer who is a specialist in.
based in
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Well, I am from London but I am Amsterdam at the moment because I’m working for a Dutch company.
family law
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A lawyer who deals with clients who are divorcing or who have problems over the care of their children is a specialist in.
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The company delivers all over the United States by rail and by truck.
the law of tort
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A lawyer who deals with people who breach their civil duty of care is a specialist in.
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That contract is not because your client hasn’t signed it.
To be insolvent
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not having enough money to pay your debts.
A merger
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the joining together of two or more things, such as companies, to form one single thing or company.
A tenant
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a person who pays rent to the owner of a house, a flat or an office in return for living there, or for using the building for business purposes.
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the legal process involved in transferring the ownership of a house or land from the seller to the buyer.
To discriminate against someone
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to behave differently towards that person, usually in the workplace, because of their age, sex or the colour of their skin.
Unfair dismissal
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a situation where someone loses his or her job for a reason that is not valid.
A lease of land and buildings
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an agreement to allow someone to use land or buildings for a fixed period of time in return for a payment of rent.
Sick pay
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money that an employer must pay to an employee when that employee is ill and cannot work.
The formation of business
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the establishment of a new business in a specific way.
A partnership
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a business which a minimum of two people own and control.
Maternity leave
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the time period when a woman is not at work before and after the birth of her baby. Her employer usually pays her for part or all of the time that she is away.
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the total amount of money, property and other assets that a business has.
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a situation where someone loses his or her job because an employer no longer needs so many employees.
A landlord
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a person who owns a house, a flat or office and receives rent from someone for allowing them to live there, or use the building for business purposes.
Real estate
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a more formal way of saying land and houses.
Agreed date
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umowiona data
Cryminal law
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the law that punishes acts against the person or against property that people consider to be harmful to the whole community. The state prosecutes criminals.
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ścigać, zaskarzac, wnosić do sądu.(to prosecute-criminaal law, to take legal action against someone in the criminal court)
Civil law
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the law concerning the rights and duties of private individuals and companies rather than criminal matters.
A matter
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a subject or situation, e. g cryminal matter, civil matter
A will
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a legal document in which a person gives details of what they want to happen to their property after their deth
To steal
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to take something that belongs to someone else with the intention to keeping it.
To be in despute, Despute
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spór, to have a serious disagreement with another person
Filing a claim or issuing a claim, starting proceedings
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start a claim in civil court
County court
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sąd rejonowy civil claims are filed in there
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the person who starts the claim(plaintiff do 1999, wUSA nadal)
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Claim state
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(pozew) document that claimant uses to start legal action against the defendant
Bad workmanship
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(zle wykonanie) someone does a job for you badly
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Court fee
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sum of money for the court to pay for issue proceedings
Issue proceedings
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postępowanie sądowe
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Legal costs
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koszty sądowe, the court fees and payment for the lawyer who is acting for you
To draft a contract
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To honour a contract
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To breach a contract
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