lekcja 17 czytanka

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otázka odpověď
welcome children - witajcie dzieci!
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welcome children!
have a fun! - bawcie się dobrze!
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have a fun!
be careful with your bags - uważahcue na swoje torby!
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be careful with your bags
there's a thief in the park - w parku jest złodziej
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there's a thief in the park
we can look for the cup - możemy poszukać czapki
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we can look for the cup
it says this tiger comes from India - tu jest napisane, że ten tygrys jest z Indii
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it says this tiger comes from India
it’s juggling balls - on żongluje piłkami (zwierzę)
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it's juggling balls
dolphins are intelligent - delfiny sa inteligentne
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dolphins are intelligent
it’s eating grass - on je trawę (zwierzę)
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it's eating grass
we haven’t got any gorillas - nie mamy żadnych goryli
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we have not got any gorillas
here’s you bag - tu jest twoja torba
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here's you bag
me too! - ja też!
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me too!

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