lekcja 2

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otázka odpověď
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front runner
odrzucać, nie akceptować
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to throw something away or get rid of it because you no longer want or need it:
Discarded food containers and bottles littered the streets.
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whittle down
to gradually reduce the size of something or the number of people in a group:
1. We had 80 applicants for the job, but we've whittled them down to six. 2. whittle down your choice
stanowczy (opinii), klarowny, wyraźny
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very noticeable or certain
1. sth make the issue more pronouced 2. The need for strong leadership is more pronounced (= clearer) during wartime.
Wysoka stawka
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High stake
prognoza, choć nieuchronnie przybliżona
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forecast while inevitably rough
1. organizować, urządzać 2. piętrzyć się, nagromadzać się (np. o problemach)
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1. to gradually increase, rise, or get bigger: 2. to organize and begin an activity or event:
1. Tension was mounting as the minutes went by. 2. I have to mount the meeting of our club.
z góry przesądzony rezultat
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a foregone conclusion
wzmocnić, wzmacniać (np. gospodarkę)
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We need to bolster our defenses in preparation for the incoming war.
niepewny, wątpliwy
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Many illegal immigrants are in a precarious position.
wskazówki, sygnały
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wydzielać, emitować
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give off
Something in the fridge gave a disgusting smell off
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(an act of) having sex with someone who is not your husband, wife, or regular sexual partner:
marital/sexual infidelity She could not forgive his many infidelities.
znak, wskazówka
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kluczowe oznaki
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key signs of
podstawowa zasada
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basic tenet
The basic tenet of the approved report seems to go in the right direction
obieg, krążenie
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come to understand
how have we come to understand the world around us
Sporadycznie, z przerwami
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On and off
working on and off
wsiadaj, wysiadaj
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get on, get off
również, także
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He signed up for the tennis tournament, so I did likewise
wpadać na pomysł (np. rozwiązania czegoś)
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be on to something
kluczowe spostrzeżenia
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key insight
nieefektywny(o działaniach), powolny (o procesie), nieporęczny
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difficult to do or manage and taking a lot of time and effort:
People keep talking about cumbersome procedures and asking me to streamline them.
zrobić coś w biegu, w pośpiechu
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to do sth on the run
wznosić się do góry
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to rise very quickly to a high level:
Renting prices soared a further thirty percent
coś ma ograniczony zasób
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something is a finite resource
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Our food supply was soon depleted
niedźwiedź, znosić/wytrzymać (coś); ponosić (koszty)
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bear, bore, borne
1. I can't bear this headache. 2. bear the cost of living.
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bear out
to support the truth of something, or to support someone's statement or claim
I bear out her words. The facts don’t bear out your fears. The evidence so far simply does not bear him out.
zapoznać kogoś z czymś (tematem)
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take sb through sth
to explain something to someone
I'll take you through it one more time, then you can try it yourself.
garść, garstka
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a small number of people or things:
1. Only a handful of people came to her funeral. 2. She invited all her friends to her party, but only a handful of them turned up.
potwierdzać np. teorię
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to add proof to an account, statement, idea, etc. with new information:
these findings corroborated. Recent research seems to corroborate his theory.
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Nonetheless, we do need to negotiate with Russia on energy and other issues
otrzeźwiająca myśl
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sobering thought
szczyty i doliny
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peaks and valleys
1. high and low periods 2. There are peaks and valleys in electricity usage throughout the year.
dołek koniunkturalny, spadek
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We've noticed a trough of activity on the market
niespokojność, nerwowość
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restless night
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skok, skakać
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kultywować, podtrzymywać tradycje, hodować
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She has cultivated an image as a tough negotiator.
nieustępliwy, niesłabnący, bezwzględny (o zachowaniu), surowy (np. władca)
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relentless criticism
Zapalić, rozjaśnić
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Light up
Light up cigarette
wyrażanie uznania dla innych
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expressing appreciation to others
odłożyć na bok, na później (decyzję)
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set aside
When we are talking about security, political games should be set aside.
coś zaplanowane na jedną godzinę rozciągnięte do dwóch
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sth scheduled for one hour stretched to two
wykorzystać, użytkować
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tap into
to use part of a large supply of something for your own advantage
Companies must find new ways to tap into their workers, he said.
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continued effort and determination
Hard work and perseverance do pay off in the end
niestety, na nieszczęście (czyjeś)
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in a way that makes you feel sad and sorry about something:
1. I regrettably got involved with some situations I shouldn't have. 2. Regrettably, education has not been properly funded.
w rzeczy samej / istotnie, na prawdę
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There is indeed tremendous concern about the escalating tension in the region.
uważny, uprzejmy, troskliwy
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1. listening carefully: 2. If someone is attentive, they are very helpful and take care of you:
1., Attentive observers can look at the flowers, grasses and fungi, which are not found just anywhere 2. A good teacher is always attentive to their students' needs.
zwodniczo, pozornie
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If something is deceptive, it makes you believe something that is not true.
Appearances can be deceptive. A few deceptively simple changes
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to consider or judge something in a particular way:
How could anyone deem this film funn
odwrotnie, przeciwnie
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used to introduce something that is different to something you have just said
1. Poor health is accepted as an attribute of normal ageing. Conversely, youth is depicted as a time of vitality and good health. 2. The staff of any organisation are its best ambassadors or conversely may be its worst.
odpychający, odrażający
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slightly unpleasant or worrying so that you do not want to get involved in any way:
He's slightly aggressive, which a lot of people find off-putting when they first meet him. What I found off-putting was the amount of work that you were expected to do.
nieumyślnie, przez nieuwagę, (niechcący odkrywcze)
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inadvertently revealing
rozładowanie sytuacji
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defusing the situation
bezgraniczny, bezwarunkowy
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complete and without any doubts:
implicit trust All her life she had implicit faith in socialism.
weź na siebie coś,
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take sth upon yourself to do sth
sporadycznie, okazjonalnie, od czasu do czasu
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on and off
Poczucie dostosowania
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Sense of alignment
ujawniać, rozgłaszač, rozpowrzechniać
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to make something secret known
1. Sorry, cannot divulge that information, Tony. 2. Someone divulged their plans to their competitors. 3. He did not divulge details of his plan.
skąpstwo, hojność
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stinginess, generosity

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