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weak and unable to think clearly or walk correctly, usually because of tiredness or illness:
I felt a little bit groggy for a couple of days after the operation
1. wyładować się, wyczerpać się (o baterii, akumulatorze) 2. wyczerpywać się
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run down
These batteries can be recharged when they run down.
dąsać się
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to be silent and refuse to smile or be pleasant to people because you are angry about something that they have done:
He's sulking in his room because I wouldn't let him have any more chocolate.
1. trwać, utrzymywać się (np. o zapachu, smaku) 2. ociągać się, zwlekać 3. wlec się (np. czas)
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to take longer than usual to leave or disappear:
We went to small cafes where we could linger over cappuccino. The smell lingered in the kitchen for days.
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to interrupt what someone is doing:
Please don't disturb your sister - she's trying to do her homework. I'm sorry to disturb you so late, but my car's broken down and I don't have my phone with me.
wypaczać, przekręcić (np. wypowiedź), zmienić radykalnie (np. poglądy)
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to change something so that it is not what it was or should be, or to influence someone in a harmful way:
Her ideas have been shamelessly perverted to serve the president's propaganda campaign.
nie wprost (np. zapytać)
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adverb (not direct) Add to word list said in a way that is not direct, so that the real meaning is not immediately clear:
The article refers to the controversy only obliquely.
opracować/wymyślić plan
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devise a plan
to invent something, esp. with intelligence or imagination:
He devised a new way to treat mental depression. The committee is devising an agenda for the upcoming political convention.
działać zdecydowanie
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to act decisively
quickly, effectively, and confidently:
If we had acted earlier and more decisively it might not have come to this. He decisively changes lane with no signal.
ciągnik siodłowy
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tractor unit
obowiązki domowe, obowiązki
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biorąc pod uwagę fakt, że
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given the fact that
1. okres stabilizacji 2. zastój, stagnacja
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1. limit 2. określony udział, przydział (np. obowiązków) 3. norma
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a fixed limit on the amount of something that someone is allowed to have or is expected to do: lift/reduce/raise a quota Many agricultural quotas will be lifted.
an annual/monthly/daily quota The annual quota of 140,000 green cards is far lower than the demand. impose/introduce/set a quota This fiscal year, Congress set a quota of 65,000 visas. fill/meet/reach a quota
wyczerpujący, obszerny, wszechstronny, pełny, kompleksowy
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complete and including everything that is necessary:
1. We offer you a comprehensive training in all aspects of the business. 2. Is this list comprehensive or are there some names missing?
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untapped assets/resources/markets/talent
If a supply of something valuable is untapped, it is not yet used or taken advantage of:
obrażony/urażony przez
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offended by
upset and angry, often because someone has been rude:
Many staff members were deeply offended by his email.
wciągać kogoś do czegoś, zainteresować kogoś czymś
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draw sb to sth
to make someone become involved in a difficult or unpleasant situation:
They tried to draw me into their argument, but I refused.
udoskonalenie, ulepszenie
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the process of improving something:
[C ] The accuracy of the machine has been increased through a number of refinements. [U ] The refinement of sugar cane produces sugar.
rozpłynąć się
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melt up
dostosować się do
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adjust to
to change something slightly, especially to make it more correct, effective, or suitable:
1. If the chair is too high you can adjust it to suit you. 2. As a teacher you have to adjust your methods to suit the needs of slower children.
akceptacja elastyczności
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embrace flexibility
zamknąć lukę
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close the gap
radca prawny
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amounts of money that regularly have to be spent, for example to pay for heating or rent
expenditures, spendings
akt notarialny
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property right
(DOCUMENT) law specialized a legal document that is an official record of an agreement or official proof that someone owns land or a building
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making you feel calm:
I put on some nice soothing music. Her words had a soothing effect.
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able to make you believe that something is true or right:
a convincing argument/explanation convincing evidence The end of the book wasn't very convincing.
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(especially of activities) morally bad:
The company's CEO seems to have been involved in some nefarious practices/activities.
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to leave a school, organization, or country, or an occasion when this happens:
1. expulsion from They threatened him with expulsion from school. 2. expulsion of This is the second expulsion of a club member this year.
okazać się podatnym na coś
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prove vulnerable to sth
kablować na kogoś
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grass on sb
If a person grasses on someone else, they tell the police or someone in authority about something bad that that person has done:
grass on someone to someone/something Dan grassed on them to the local police.
konkurujący gracze na rynku
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rival players on the market
wygląd zewnętrzny, wygląd zewnętrzny
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outward look, appearance
wszystko sprowadzało się do czegoś
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everything came down to sth
rzekomo zamieszany
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alleged to be involved
oskarżony o udział
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accused of being involved
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putting a lot of effort into your work:
a conscientious student
szczery, bezpośredni, surowy
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frank, direct, strict
dokładny, skrupulatny, (przesadnie) staranny
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very careful and with great attention to every detail:
Many hours of meticulous preparation have gone into writing the book.
przychodzi mi na myśl
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springs to my mind
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feeling or showing sympathy and sadness for the suffering or bad luck of others, and wanting to help them:
1. The public's response to the crisis appeal was generous and compassionate. 2. He was a wonderful listener and a deeply compassionate man.
kompetentny w, znający się na rzeczy, obeznany
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knowledgable in
knowing a lot:
He's very knowledgeable about German literature.
być atrakcyjnym dla
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be appealing to
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pay over the odds
być taktownym
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to be tactful
wyjdzie w praniu, praktyka pokaże
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the proof of the pudding is in the eating
said to mean that you can only judge the quality of something after you have tried, used, or experienced it
osiągnąć, osiągnąć
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achieve, attain
odpowiedniość, zgodność
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the quality of being similar to or in agreement with something:
1. the congruence of the two systems 2. a congruency of values
przejść do sedna, przejść do konkretów
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get down to the nitty-gritty
podejscie oparte na konsensusie
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consensual approach

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