Lesson - 13.07.2022

 0    12 kartičky    jessehandley
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otázka odpověď
it remains to be seen
The manager said the team could take next Friday off but it remains to be seen
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to się okaże
saddened by
I was very saddened by the news of your loss.
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zasmucony przez
at the seaside, by the sea
He often goes on vacation at the seaside.
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nad morzem, nad morzem
in disrepair
That city was in a perpetual stay of disrepair and mismanagement.
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This city is quite touristy, if you want to see the country drive north.
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To miasto jest dosyć turystyczne, jeżeli naprawdę chcesz zobaczyć kraj, pojedź na północ.
tourist trap
The attraction was not worth visiting, if fact, it was a tourist trap.
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pułapka turystyczna
ride sharing
Ride sharing was the new idea from corporate to cut down on parking lot size.
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udostępnianie przejazdów
The organization donated 400 wheelchairs to the disabled in the community.
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wózek inwalidzki
landfill site
The landfill was converted into land which the buildings could be built on.
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to have the sniffles
It wasn't a serious illness, just a case of the sniffles.
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mieć powąchać
damned if you do and damned if you don't
There was no pleasing the new boss, in every situation it was damned if you do and damned if you don't.
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przeklęty, jeśli tak, i przeklęty, jeśli nie
to tip someone off
The rat tipped off the police.
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dać komuś napiwek

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