Lesson 18

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plastered with posters of famous actors
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to cover most of a surface with something oblepiać
overcome their fears
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to deal with and control a problem or feeling przezwyciężać
What sort of precautions must one take to safeguard oneself from muggers?
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something that you do to prevent bad things happening in the future zabezpieczenie, środek zapobiegawczy
What sort of precautions must one take to safeguard oneself from muggers?
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to protect something from harm chronić
What sort of precautions must one take to safeguard oneself from muggers?
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someone who mugs people (uliczny) bandzior, napastni-k/czka
rehearse in your mind
Do you ever rehearse in your mind what you plan to say to others
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przećwicz to w swoim umyśle
say it off the top of your head
do you say it off the top of your head?
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powiedz to z głowy
a critical decision / importance
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very important for the way things will happen in the future kluczowy
She managed to conceal her true feelings and maintained her composure
začněte se učit
to hide something ukrywać
She managed to conceal her true feelings and maintained her composure
začněte se učit
a feeling or look of calm and confidence opanowanie
be over the moon
She's over the moonabout her new job. She is so excited
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to be very pleased about something być w siódmym niebie
northward, northwards
stack of fast-moving clouds passing northward.
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towards the north na północ
in/out of step
He got out of step.
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(of two or more people walking together) with, without the same foot going forward at the same time na (czyjejś) drodze, z (czyjejś) drogi
step down
He was forced to step down from his post.
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to leave an important job ustępować (ze stanowiska)
a spoilt brat
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a child who behaves badly bachor
After two hours of trudging up the mountainside through deep snowdrifts, the dogs began to bark.
začněte se učit
to walk slowly with heavy steps, especially because you are tired wlec się wzdłuż/przez/w górę itp.
After two hours of trudging up the mountainside through deep snowdrifts, the dogs began to bark.
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a deep pile of snow that the wind has blown zaspa (śnieżna)
four hounds whimpered with excitement
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to make quiet crying sounds because of fear or pain skomleć, kwilić
four hounds whimpered with excitement, straining at their leads, eager to begin the chase
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to try hard to do something, usually to see or hear something wysilać (się)
four hounds whimpered with excitement, straining at their leads, eager to begin the chase
začněte se učit
wanting to do or have something very much chętny, niecierpliwy
The men exchanged nods
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a nodding movement of the head skinienie (głowy
And with a whoop, they were off, bounding through the snow
začněte se učit
a loud, excited shout okrzyk
leaving the rest of us to lumber after them
začněte se učit
to move slowly with heavy steps człapać, wlec się
them, each laden with his allotted encumbrance.
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to give someone a particular amount of something przydzielać
them, each laden with his allotted encumbrance.
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something that makes it difficult for you to do something
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a long gun that you hold against your shoulder when you shoot karabin, strzelba
Six others puffed and panted their way behind us
začněte se učit
to breathe fast and with difficulty, usually because you have been doing exercise sapać, dyszeć
Six others puffed and panted their way behind us
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to breathe quickly and loudly because it is hot or because you have been running, etc sapać
professional cityfolk unused to such strenuous exertion
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using or needing a lot of effort forsowny, intensywny
professional cityfolk unused to such strenuous exertion
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the use of a lot of physical or mental energy to do something wysiłek
The people who turned up for the meeting were a motley crew (= a group consisting of many different types of people).
začněte se učit
consisting of many different types that do not appear to go together:
to curb
to curb crime/inflation
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to limit or control something ograniczać
bunch (sth) up
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If material bunches up, or if someone bunches it up, it moves into tight folds. marszczyć (się)
an angry female mountain lion snarled and spat
začněte se učit
to speak angrily warczeć
spit - spat -spat
an angry female mountain lion snarled and spat
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to force out the liquid in your mouth pluć
while John crept down the mountain
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to move very quietly and carefully skradać się/zakradać się/wymykać się itp.
The dart hit the lioness in the back of the leg. It flinched, growled
začněte se učit
to make a sudden movement backwards because you are afraid or in pain wzdrygnąć się
The dart hit the lioness in the back of the leg. It flinched, growled
začněte se učit
If a dog or similar animal growls, it makes a deep, angry noise in its throat. warczeć
its slashing movements became slower and slower
začněte se učit
to cut something by making a quick, long cut with something very sharp podcinać, ciąć
Sales have slumped by 50%.
začněte se učit
If a price, value, or amount slumps, it goes down suddenly. (gwałtownie) spadać, załamywać się
We moved in, briskly efficient, photographing, measuring
začněte se učit
quick and energetic żwawy
We moved in, briskly efficient, photographing, measuring
začněte se učit
working well and not wasting time or energy wydajny, sprawny
the silken-coated creature
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soft and smooth, like silk jedwabisty
slink - slunk - slunk
it slunk away into cover
začněte se učit
to move somewhere quietly so that no one will notice you wymykać się
our initial prejudices soon faded
začněte se učit
the feeling of not liking a group of people or unfair treatment of them because they are a different race, sex, religion, etc uprzedzenia, uprzedzenie
nasze początkowe uprzedzenia szybko się zatarły
our initial prejudices soon faded
začněte se učit
If a colour or a sound fades, or if something fades it, it becomes less bright or strong. cichnąć, wyciszać, płowieć, powodować płowienie
nasze początkowe uprzedzenia szybko się zatarły
a mother and cubs
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a young bear, fox, lion, etc młode
where the pines grew thickest
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a tall tree with long, thin leaves shaped like needles sosna
streak across/down/through, etc
suddenly a large male lion went streaking across the snowy plain
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mknąć przez, śmigać przez
suddenly a large male lion went streaking across the snowy plain
suddenly a large male lion went streaking across the snowy plain
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a large area of flat land równina
creep up on sb
Kevin crept up behind and tried to drop a pitifully small lasso
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to surprise someone by moving closer to them from behind zachodzić kogoś od tyłu
Kevin crept up behind and tried to drop a pitifully small lasso
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Of course it wasn’t always so dramatic – many of our days in the mountains were quite mundane
začněte se učit
ordinary, or not interesting przyziemny, prozaiczny
hunters and environmentalists sharing an adventure and putting money and energy into conservation
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the protection of nature ekologia, ochrona (przyrody lub środowiska)
the houndsmen managed to drop the restraint over the lion’s head and tie it around a sagebrush trunk.
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control over your feelings powściągliwość, umiar
the houndsmen managed to drop the restraint over the lion’s head and tie it around a sagebrush trunk.
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the thick stem of a tree that the branches grow from pień
a hind foot/leg
they did the same with one of its hind legs
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a foot/leg at the back of an animal tylna łapa/noga
I helped them to sit on the protesting lion until John arrived with the tranquilliser.
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a drug especially a pill to calm the nerves or cause sleep środek uspokajający
At first my fellow volunteers felt uncomfortable with this
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a companion and equal towarzysz, kolega
the creature lay motionless on the ground, a tranquilliser dart in its tawny side.
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being a light yellow-brown colour żółtobrązowy
They sprinted effortlessly over the rocky ground, while I stumbled along in their wake.
začněte se učit
to step badly and almost fall over potknąć się
Sprintowali bez wysiłku po skalistym podłożu, podczas gdy ja potykałem się w ślad za nimi.
thrust sth behind/into/through, etc
‘Quick,’ said Ken, thrusting the hounds’ collars into my hand.
začněte se učit
to push something somewhere suddenly and with force wciskać lub wpychać coś za/do/w itp.

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