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gravitate towards something Netflix realized that a lot of people gravitate towards watching a lot of episodes in one go and started realising the whole series at once.
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The cast of this film is great!
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The Netflix feature which immediately loads the next episode is there to nudge you to watch more and more.
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"It is difficult to move people in bulk that way."
zostać w coś wciągniętym, wkręconym začněte se učit
I sometimes get sucked into watching a show for three hours without even noticing.
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It wouldn't be conducive to a good night's sleep/
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What is the depth of this pool? People need to realize the depth of the problem.
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What is your connotation of the word "free"?
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It's non of your business - don't be intrusive.
bezpodstawny, niepotrzebny začněte se učit
we can see top much gratuitous violence on television.
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I'm cooped up in my flat and can't out during quarantine
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please don't talking about this - you can open a can of worms.
błędne mniemanie, pojęcie, niewłaściwe zrozumienie, przesąd začněte se učit
This idea is a common misconception.
do szpiku kości, do glebi, na wskos začněte se učit
how to live yourself to the core
durny, głupi, nierozsądny začněte se učit
She was foolish that she trusted him
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Teachers like students who are eager to learn.
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I love her affectionate smile.
przyzwoity, porządny, miły začněte se učit
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Further, he was paid an outrageously low price for each.
smutny, przygnębiony, nieszczęśliwy začněte se učit
Both boys were looking very pale and miserable.
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It's a dangerous mission, so we need to be cautious.
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Today's conditions are favourable for sailors.
zdezorietowany, zmieszany začněte se učit