Lesson - 28.07.2022

 0    10 kartičky    jessehandley
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otázka odpověď
go by the wayside
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to discard something / to stop doing something
kill two birds with one stone
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achieve two outcomes at the same time
go through something
I went through tissues very quickly when I had my cold.
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to use a resource
buyer's remorse
I experience buyer's remorse every time I buy a large candy bar.
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wyrzuty sumienia kupującego
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garbage collector
When I was younger I wanted to grow up to be a garbage collector.
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devolve into
The situation really devolved after one side allegedly insulted the other.
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przekształcić się w
to begin a new chapter in your life
She moved to a new city to begin a new chapter in her life.
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aby rozpocząć nowy rozdział w swoim życiu
well-rested, relaxed
I was in the high spirits when I showed up to work this morning because I was well-rested and ready to go.
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wypoczęty, zrelaksowany
book worm
The young student was a book worm and loved the library.
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robak książki

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