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I was on the Titanic, but not with Leonardo DiCaprio. začněte se učit
začněte se učit
I was, you were, he was, she was, it was, we were, you were, they were
to make questions, invert the subject and the verb začněte se učit
Was I, Were you, was he, was she, was it, were we, were you, were they?
to make negatives, insert not after the conjugated form of to be začněte se učit
I was not, you were not, he was not, she was not, it was not, we were not, you were not, they were not.
She lived... She was young. She loved a man. She dreamed. She lived through terible and wonderful things. začněte se učit
She sang. And still does! This is her and her walker.
The SIMPLE PAST describes an action or situation in the past. When the event is in the past: začněte se učit
The SIMPLE PAST describes an action or situation in the past. When the event is completely finished: začněte se učit
The SIMPLE PAST describes an action or situation in the past. When we say (or understand) the time / place of the event: začněte se učit
I managed to eat 51 boiled eggs. I robbed a bank. začněte se učit
I hula danced. I had a dozen lovers in a month. I lived the glam life.
forming the simple past tense začněte se učit
začněte se učit
The Simple Past is created simply adding ED
but with some verbs it is a little different: for verbs ending in E: začněte se učit
but with some verbs it is a little different: For verbs ending in consonant + Y začněte se učit
but with some verbs it is a little different: For verbs ending in one vowel + one consonant (but not W / Y) začněte se učit
double the consonant and add ED
but with some verbs it is a little different: For verbs ending in anything else začněte se učit
to make a Simple Past question use: začněte se učit
DID + SUBJECT + INFINITIVE without to Did you love me? I never did.
to make a Simple Past negative use: začněte se učit
SUBJECT + DID NOT/DIDN'T + INFINITIVE without to DID + NOT= DIDN'T I didn't go to school today.
there are many irregular verbs in English that do not add ED in the past form. začněte se učit
začněte se učit
začněte se učit
storm, lightning, suspenders (AmE), braces (BrE), bow tie začněte se učit
He has a heart but it doesn't beat anymore.
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agarrar-se a alguma coisa/alguém
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be the right size or shape
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reduce to small pieces by crushing
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support oneself on one's knees
knit, knit, knit & knit, knitted, knitted začněte se učit
prove, proved, proved/proven začněte se učit
začněte se učit
stop an activity / leave the job
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try to locate / search for
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stitch with needle and thread
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cut hair off with a razor
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začněte se učit
začněte se učit
začněte se učit
move upward or forward; to move or jump suddenly and quickly
začněte se učit
hang, hung, hung & hang, hanged, hanged začněte se učit
Little Monkey hanged Thomas while he hung from a tree.
začněte se učit
He leads the gang. They are easily led.
to lend: lend, lent, lent & borrow začněte se učit
Mrs. Sharp borrowed a little thing from Mr. Sharp.Mr. Sharp didn't want to lend it to her. She pretended to understand but she didn't. When night came and the snores of Mr. Sharp got louder, she raised the knife... and cut! Then she could sleep soundly.
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Mr. Smith sewed half of his pretty neighbor's body and half of his butcher's body together. Now he has the perfect wife. Or does he have the perfect husband? needle, thread 1 linha [de costura] 2 (de uma história, conversa, etc.) fio
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začněte se učit
to hit someone or something; hit with the hand or a weapon
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make a solemn statement or promise; to use rude or offensive language
Who says that men don't clean? začněte se učit
a brush with a long handle, used for sweeping floors
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move back and forth suspended forth {adv.} PT adiante para a frente forth PT em diante
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to put your foot on or in something
začněte se učit
weave, wove, woven & weaved, weaved začněte se učit
make by interlacing threads
začněte se učit
withdraw, withdrew, withdrawn začněte se učit
For a good wash, wring tightly. začněte se učit