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Spoiler alert - if you haven't seen Sunday's episode, stop reading now! začněte se učit
information in a newspaper article, blog, etc. that tells you what happens in a television programme, which may spoil your enjoyment of it if you have not already seen it
He was completely gobsmacked when he won the award. začněte se učit
so surprised that you cannot speak
Leonardo's "Last Supper" is widely regarded as a masterpiece. začněte se učit
a work of art such as a painting, film, or book that is made with great skill
The street is lined with enormous mansions where the rich and famous live. začněte se učit
a very large, expensive house
What time do we set off tomorrow? začněte se učit
He tried not to let the bad news spoil his evening. začněte se učit
to destroy or reduce the pleasure, interest, or beauty of something
An official investigation would not serve any useful purpose. začněte se učit
to help achieve something or to be useful as something
These scandals will not enhance the organization's reputation. začněte se učit
to improve the quality, amount, or strength of something
It's too early to predict the outcome of the meeting. začněte se učit
a result or effect of an action, situation, etc.
She kept him in suspense for several days before she said that she would marry him. začněte se učit
he feeling of excitement or nervousness that you have when you are waiting for something to happen and are uncertain about what it is going to be
a pleasurable evening/meal začněte se učit
All the subtleties of the music are conveyed in this new recording. začněte se učit
a small but important detail
I find some of Brahms's music deeply moving. začněte se učit
causing strong feelings of sadness or sympathy
This weather is so depressing. začněte se učit
making you feel unhappy and without hope for the future
His books aren't particularly well-written, but they're always entertaining. začněte se učit
Companies such as these need to adapt constantly in fast-moving markets. začněte se učit
developing or changing very quickly
I found the book so gripping that I couldn't put it down. začněte se učit
so interesting or exciting that it holds your attention completely
začněte se učit
beautiful, but in a sad way and often in a way that cannot be forgotten
I liked the film but the book was rather heavy going. začněte se učit
difficult to read or understand
The plot of the movie, involving a 23-year-old brain surgeon, is implausible to begin with. začněte se učit
difficult to believe; not probable
She has a really intriguing personality. začněte se učit
very interesting because of being unusual or mysterious
a thought-provoking book/film začněte se učit
making you think a lot about a subject
He told the extraordinary story of his escape. začněte se učit
very unusual, special, unexpected, or strange