Lesson - Ethical Chocolate (Phrasal Verbs)

 0    16 kartičky    jessehandley
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dig into something
I like to dig into a bag of chips on the weekend.
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start eating something eagerly
pack something in
Let's pack it in and continue tomorrow.
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stop doing something (e.g. a regular activity or job)
come back
We will come back to these statistics next week during our
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go off
She decided to go off on a sabbatical and experience a change of pace.
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come across something
I came across a bear on the path in the woods.
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find something by chance
end up (somewhere)
She ultimately ended up in a high-paying position.
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inally be in a particular place or situation
put sth off
Don't put off cleaning until tomorrow.
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to arrange a meeting or event for a later time or date
look into sth
We really need to look into whether we should buy a new car or not.
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to examine the facts about a problem or situation
get along with sb
I don't get along with my neighbors during soccer games.
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to like somebody and have a friendly relationship with him/her
look sth up
The reporter looked up the details into the business sale.
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to try to find some information in a book, dictionary, encyclopedia, on a computer, etc.
drop by
He plumber said he would drop by this morning.
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to visit someone
turn up
I'm not sure my brother-in-law will turn up to my birthday party.
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to arrive or appear
do sth up
It is the perfect time to do up the apartment.
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to renovate or redecorate a room or building
come along
Our project is really coming along nicely. We should be done by the end of the week.
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If something is coming along, it is improving or making progress
do without sth
I couldn't do without my phone because I count on it so much.
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to manage without having something
be in for sth
We will be in for a lot of trouble when our manager sees we didn't finish the report.
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to be about to experience something unpleasant

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