Lesson - Immediate Response (not) Required

 0    23 kartičky    jessehandley
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That's a relevant question.
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istotny / trafny
To istotne pytanie.
Gary said something that was irrelevant to the topic we were discussing at that time.
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nieistotny, niezwiązany z tematem
Gary powiedział coś, co było niezwiązane z tematem, o którym rozmawialiśmy w tamtym momencie.
Our actions have to be rapid and efficient.
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Nasze działania muszą być szybkie i skuteczne.
His method was completely inefficient as evidenced by the amount of waste produced.
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appropriate, suitable
Her speech was entirely appropriate for the occasion.
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odpowiednie, odpowiednie
The snickers at the back of the room were inappropriate for the situation.
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eventful - unventful
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pełen wydarzeń - bez wydarzeń
respectful / disrespectful
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pełen szacunku / braku szacunku
clear / unclear
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jasne / niejasne
honest / dishonest
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uczciwy / nieuczciwy
significant, important
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znaczący, ważny
leading / misleading
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wiodący / wprowadzający w błąd
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with the tap of a button
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za dotknięciem przycisku
share insights
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dzielić się spostrzeżeniami
get in the way
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stanąć na przeszkodzie
address an issue / a problem
začněte se učit
rozwiązać problem / problem
blend together
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zmieszaj razem
to clear the air
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to make a situation less tense by speaking openly and honestly
to keep you posted
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to provide a person with updated information about a certain topic
put me on the spot
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to make a person spontaneously answer a difficult question
touch base
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to have a brief conversation/discussion with a person
beat (AmE) / flog (BrE) a dead horse
začněte se učit
to continue talking about something that has already been discussed or decided on, or waste your time on something that is never going to happen

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