Lesson - Regrets

 0    17 kartičky    jessehandley
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We all experience regret or the sadness that comes with thinking about our actions or inactions.
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don’t cry over spilled milk
Don't spend time being sad about the consequence of something you did that you can't change.
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nie płacz nad rozlanym mlekiem
I confess that I don't know the answer but I will find out for you.
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helping hand
If you could spare a helping hand, I would really appreciate your help moving my office.
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pomocna dłoń
cry out to
The young child cried out to his mother when he became frightened.
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I would prefer the former, or first, option to the latter, or last.
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Meanness diminishes the closer we get to the holidays.
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This is a prime example of what I was talking about.
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najlepszy, świetny
Nie chcę pierwszego lepszego steku. To specjalna kolacja, więc chcę zjeść mięso najlepszej jakości.
I went down the stairs.
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w dół
Zszedłem po schodach.
dwell on
Don't dwell on mistakes, we need to live here and now and not live in the past.
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rozwodzić się nad
sort out
We need to sort out these folders and we need to sort out the problem of having so many folders.
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I would prefer the former, or first, option to the latter, or last.
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take stock of
Let's take stock of the whole situation before make such an important decision.
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to call it a day
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quit, finish
from the get-go
I should have just cried out for help from the get-go.
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od samego początku
drift apart
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rozejść się
the bottom line
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dolna linia

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