Lesson - Writing Emails

 0    15 kartičky    jessehandley
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I set up a rule to remove spam from my inbox.
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an attachment
I enclose my CV as an attachment.
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Jako załącznik przesyłam swoje CV.
a read receipt
In order to confirm that my colleague received my email I sent it with a read receipt.
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potwierdzenie odbioru
an emoticon
Emoticons are appropriate only in limited situations as they can come across as too informal.
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a disclaimer
On the bottom of my company emails a disclaimer protects me from any potential litigation.
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zrzeczenie się odpowiedzialności
a message thread
My colleague sometimes forgets to send his response in a message thread for easy access to the conversation.
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wątek wiadomości
flame mail
I couldn't stop myself from sending a flame mail to my colleague who had made a serious mistake.
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płonąca poczta
to be off work
Shelley is off at the end of the month.
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is taking leave
to fix up
It looks like we really need to fix up the office.
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to back up someone
Don’t worry. I’ll back you up during the meeting.
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something goes through
Good news. It looks like our application finally went through
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was formally approved
to go under
If sales keep dropping, we are very likely to go under.
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go bankrupt
to get around to something
I haven’t got around to contacting the client yet. I’ll do it first thing tomorrow.
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found the time to
to get through to someone
I tried to call him several times but I couldn’t get through.
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make contact
to call off something
I’m afraid I have to call off tomorrow’s meeting
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