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germania, a first century book about the people of the north
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de excidio britanniae, a welsh latin report on anglo-saxon conquest of celtic britain
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ecclesiastical history of the english people, history of anglo-saxon england focusing on christianity
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riddles, elegies, religious poems, exeter cathedral
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caedmon manuscript, religious poems, old testament paraphrase, italy
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battle of 937, mentioned in beowulf
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about the victory of the saxon king athelstan over norse invaders
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major qualities of anglo-saxon heroic poetry začněte se učit
rhytmical alliterative verse, kenning, appositive phrase, periphrase
values promoted in anglo-saxon heroic poetry začněte se učit
martial, prowess, courage, loyalty, trustworthiness, revenge
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compelling, short poems, compact, lyrical in tone, powerful imagery
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lordlessness, deserted hall, vanity, wordly life, exile, suffering, mutability, decay
caedmon's scriptural poems začněte se učit
junius manuscript: genesis, exodus, daniel, christ and satan
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possibly bishop of lindisfarne, exeter book: juliana, gythlac, christ, vercelli manuscript: andreas, elene, the dream of the rood
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bishop of sherborne, letters and educational prose
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charlemagne's advisor of york, letters, poems, educational prose
alfred, king's of wessex translations začněte se učit
beda's eccleasiastical history, st augustine's soliloquies, pope gregory's cura pastoralis, drosius' historia adversus paganos, boethius' consolatio philosophiae
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chaucer's translation of the romance by jean de melin and gullame the lorris
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elegy on the death of blanche of lancaster
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a discussion of the nature of courtly love in a dream vision form
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unfinished dream vision on the fickleness of fame and fortune
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a trojan story of love and infidelity based on boccacio's il filostrato
the legend of good waomen začněte se učit
a collection of tales about faithful women, unfinished
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roman de larose, consolatio philosophiae. the treatise of astrolabe
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abbot of eynsham, catholic homilies, lives of the saints, colloquy
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archibishop of york, homilies, sermo lupi ad anglos
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educational sermon of 1014 that shows invasion of the danes as god's punishment for the sins of anglo-saxons
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brought human thought to england, the praise of holly
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reiterates najor christian ideas
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begginings associated with the growth of italian cities, great fortune of noble families and reform of universities, wchich revived their interest in classical writings and art
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john colet, thomas more, roger ascham, thomas elyot
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dean of st paul's cathedral
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author of the book named the governour
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thomas wyatt, henry howard
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translations and imitations of petrarch's sonnets
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earl of surray, translation of virgil's aeneid first time blank verse used in english
howard's and wyatt's poetry first published začněte se učit
in tottel's miscellany, after their deaths
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sir philip sidney, edmund spenseer, christopher marlowe, william shakespeare
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prominent courtier of elizabeth, an apology for poetry-an essay on the nature of the poetry, arcadia-pastoral romance, astrophel and stella-first sonnet sequence in english
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shephard's callendar-collection of pastoral poems amoretti-sequence of love sonnets, the faerie queen-allegorical chivalry romance, epithalamion-wedding poem offered to his bride elizabeth
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hero and leander-narrative poem about two mythological lovers, the passionate shepherd to his love
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venus and adonis, the rape of lucrece, sonnets
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narrative poem on the nature of love based on ovid's metamorphoses
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grave poem based on classical story of the rape of lucrece
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a serious of witty compact meditations on life and death, passing of time, love etc