Loic 23rd March (45 min)

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What do you do ... a living?
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What do you do FOR a living?
I can't put ... going to the dentist any longer.
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I can't put OFF going to the dentist any longer
We spent the day ... and swimming.
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We spent the day sunbathing and swimming.
Where are you going?
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Whereabouts are you going?
Time is a great...
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Time is a great healer.
I think I'm coming down ... a cold.
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I think I'm coming down WITH a cold.
a small mammal that is almost blind, has dark fur, and lives in passages that it digs underground
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a mole
Used to say that a situation has not changed
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Same old same old.
Nothing interesting's going on - just same old same old.
They are a ... made in heaven.
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They are a MATCH made in heaven.
a small wooden or paper stick with a special substance at the top, that you use to light a fire, cigarette etc
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a match
a box of matches
It was love ... first sight.
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It was love AT first sight.

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