Managing Stress PART 1.

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A little piece of something.
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Um pedacinho de algo.
A piece of news.
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Uma notícia.
A piece of information.
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Uma informação.
A piece of advice.
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Um conselho.
Laura forgot to give them an important piece of information.
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Laura esqueceu de dar a eles uma informação importante.
I need to give you a relevant piece of information.
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Preciso lhe dar uma informação relevante.
He gave me his best piece of advice.
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Ele me deu seu melhor conselho.
A piece of cake (literal meaning).
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Um pedaço de bolo (significado literal).
It’s a piece of cake. (Idiomatic Exp.)
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É moleza, é muito fácil!
She achieved remarkable results.
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Ela alcançou resultados notáveis.
Stress is the cause of several diseases.
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O estresse é a causa de várias doenças.
His job is quite stressful.
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O trabelho dele é bastante estressante.
She is really stressed due to her new project.
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Ela está muito estressada devido ao seu novo projeto.
He stressed the importance of having a healthy diet and exercising to reduce stress.
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Ele enfatizou a importância de ter uma dieta saudável e fazer exercícios para reduzir o estresse.
I always stress that you need to expose yourself to English daily in every possible way.
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Eu sempre insisto que você precisa se expor ao inglês diariamente de todas as maneiras possíveis.
To deal with something.
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Lidar com algo.
We need to learn how to deal with difficulties.
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Precisamos aprender a lidar com as dificuldades.
Take a deep breath.
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Respire fundo.
Whenever you feel stressed, take a deep breath and think of the word “relax”.
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Sempre que você se sentir estressado, respire fundo e pense na palavra "relaxar".
In fact, actually.
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Na verdade, na realidade.
He seems honest, but in fact he’s quite corrupt.
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Ele parece honesto, mas na verdade ele é bem corrupto.
Fear and stress are survival mechanisms.
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Medo e estresse são mecanismos de sobrevivência.
To get out of trouble quickly.
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Se livrar de problemas rapidamente.
I’ll tell you how to get out of trouble quickly.
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Eu vou te contar como se livrar do problema rapidamente.
She doesn’t know how to get out of trouble quickly and easily.
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Ela não sabe como sair do problema rapidamente e facilmente.
When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.
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Quando você é grato, o medo desaparece e a abundância aparece.
The plane crashed into the mountains.
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O avião bateu nas montanhas.
I was terrified that the plane would crash.
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Estava apavorado de que o avião caísse.
A truck went out of control and crashed into the back of a bus.
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Um caminhão perdeu o controle e colidiu com a parte traseira de um ônibus.
I was so tired after work, that I crashed on the sofa.
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Eu estava tão cansado depois do trabalho que eu desmaiei no sofá.
To be sent.
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Ser enviado.
Mandella was sent to jail in 1962.
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Mandella foi enviado à prisão em 1962.
I was sent here to help you.
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Fui enviado para cá para ajudá-lo.
The US Army was sent to Siria to fight the ISIS.
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O exército dos EUA foi enviado para a Síria para lutar contra o Estado Islâmico.
Fight or flight.
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Bater ou correr.
To be meant to last.
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É para durar.
A regular football match is meant to last 90 minutes.
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Um jogo de futebol regular é para durar 90 minutos.
I meant to help you.
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Eu queria ajudá-lo / era para te ajudar.
She was meant to come to the party.
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Era para ela vir para a festa.
To last long enough.
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Durar o tempo suficiente.
This lesson is meant to last long enough to help you learn a hundred sentences.
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Esta lição deve durar o tempo suficiente para ajudá-lo a aprender cem frases.
To get you out of danger.
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Para deixá-lo fora de perigo.
I’m going to do whatever is needed to get you out of danger.
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Eu vou fazer o que for necessário para deixá-lo fora de perigo.
To stress about something.
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Se estressar com algo.
We tend to stress about money.
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Nós tendemos a nos estressar com dinheiro.
Teachers stress about students’ learning difficulties.
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Os professores se estressam com as dificuldades de aprendizagem dos alunos.
Lack of something.
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Falta de algo.
Parents stress about their children’s lack of discipline.
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Os pais se estressam com a falta de disciplina de seus filhos.
For much, much longer.
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Por muito, muito mais tempo.
You will stay here for much, much longer.
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Você ficará aqui por muito, muito mais tempo.
They were stressed for much, much longer than they expected.
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Eles ficaram estressados ​​por muito, muito mais tempo do que esperavam.

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