Mary, Mary 5

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otázka odpověď
a crock (of shit)
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pieprzone bzdury
to bug
It really bugs me when people smoke in restaurants.
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to follow someone around
He had decided to follow me around and report on the murder cases I was working on.
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wszędzie za kimś chodzić
to report on something
I've decided to report on the murder case he is working on.
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relacjonować coś
to fool somebody
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oszukać, nabierać kogoś
in response
The writer had only smirked in response.
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w odpowiedzi
urge somebody to do something
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wezwać, nakłaniać kogoś do zrobienia czegoś
newly minted
made or created only recently; newly minted slang expressions from the playground
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hold the door for someone
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trzymać drzwi dla kogoś
a cinnamon stick
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laska cynamonu
a freight train
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pociąg towarowy
put in for
(put in for something) to officially ask for something We’ve put in for a grant to repair the building.
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złożyć podanie o, poprosić o
to shade your eyes from the sun glare
The sun is glaring straight into my eyes słońce razi mnie w oczy.
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osłonić oczy przed słońcem
be in stitches
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zrywać boki, pękać ze śmiechu
I couldn't care less!
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Nic mnie to nie obchodzi, nie interesuje!
to brighten
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rozpogodzić się (o osobie)
once in a while
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co jakiś czas, raz na jakiś czas
to award custody of a child to someone
The painful custody struggles between Christine and me were still dragging on.
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przyznać komuś opiekę nad dzieckiem
to be finished doing something
I'm not even finished telling you what to do.
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skończyć robienie czegoś
to chime in with
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dopowiadać, dodawać, dorzucać coś (komentarz, opinię)
stick your tongue at somebody
Jannie stuck her tongue out convivially at her brother and he gently hip-checked her in return.
začněte se učit
pokazać komuś język
do something convivially
Convivial people or occasions are pleasant, friendly, and relaxed.
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zróbić coś wesoło
to (gently) hip-check somebody
Ice Hockey: To obstruct or hit (an opponent) using one's hip (also without object); also in extended use.
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uderzyć (łagodnie) z biodra kogoś
to do something in return
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zrobić coś w zamian
to have a disagreement in fun
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kłócić się dla zabawy, na żarty
to do sth in fun
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robić coś dla zabawy, dla żartów
to scoop up
I scooped up Alex Jr in my arms and held him close, kissed both of his cheeks.
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podnieść (dziecko)
to look back at somebody
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spojrzeć wstecz na kogoś; odspojrzeć na kogoś
Life is good again.
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Życie znów jest dobre.
behaving or happening in a way that avoids arguments and violence a peaceable crowd/protest; He looked back at me with his peaceable little smile.
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pokojowo nastawiony
a scent of cinnamon
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zapach cynamonu
to drag (on)
If something such as a film or performance drags, it seems to go slowly because it is boring: The first half of the movie was interesting but the second half dragged (on).
začněte se učit
ciągnąć się (film, lekcja)

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