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Tell somebody
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powiedzieć komuś
She told me that she was happy
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Tell me about your English camp. Did you have a nice time?
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Don't tell anybody what I said.
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She didn't tell me what happened.
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Say to somebody
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powiedzieć do kogoś
Monika said goodbye to me and left.
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What did you say to the police?
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He didn't say anything to his mother.
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She said to me
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Ona powiedziała mi
Say something
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Powiedz coś
She said: Why not?
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He said ‘Next time I'll tell you a story ‘
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The doctor said ‘I don't know what is wrong ‘
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My friend said ‘I was happy that I met you’
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IN + Months
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IN + Miesiące
Does it always snow in April?
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We met them in November.
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I'm going on holiday in December.
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Next, last, this
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This week I’m working hard
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Next weekend I’m going the cinema
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Next lesson I'll drink coffee.
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Last Friday I was at work from 6 an to 7 pm.
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This evening I'm staying at home.
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This detour makes no sense.
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The little restaurant is worth a detour.
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After a few detours we finally arrived.
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Get stuck
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Why do we get stuck in this feeling of being right?
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I couldn’t come because I got stuck at work.
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I didn’t want to get stuck at this boring party.
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There’s a shovel in this car.
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There should be a shovel in the garden.
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Put the shovel down and come to me.
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Listen TO sth
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Posłuchać czegoś
I listen to you carefully.
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I listen to Fiszkoteka every day.
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I don’t listen to reckless people
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Need TO
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I need to handle this now.
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You need to drink coffee.
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I don't need to think all the time.
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Different than...
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Similar to...
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Magda told to me that she has two different books written by Filip Springer.
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Teenagers want to look different than their parents.
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I bought different kinds of nuts. Do you want to try some of them?
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stok, zbocze, nachylenie
I was the fastest skier on the slope.
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She was skiing down the slope.
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This slope is too steep.
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The politicians have a lot of recordings.
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We spent all ours money on that recording.
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Can you play the recording again?
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Record as verb
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Record as noun
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She recorded every single English lesson in her copybook.
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Did your camera record the accident?
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This road is very narrow.
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I have the narrowest skis in the world.
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This bridge isn’t narrow.
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szeroki (np horyzont)
That box is 50 cm wide.
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Sometimes she has a wide smile.
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We are the only shop who offer such a wide range of narrow skis.
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It’s an extremely broad subject.
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He has broad shoulders.
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Did you have a house with a broad garden?
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začněte se učit
We were being reckless.
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I was reckless and selfish.
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What is the most reckless, dangerous thing you’ve ever done?
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szkodnik, pasożyt
Yesterday I found some pest on my plants.
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It was a kind of plant pest.
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The tomato plant attracts a pest called whitefly.
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It turned out that he was a fraud.
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Magda is not a layer, she is a fraud.
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I trusted you and you took my money. You’re a fraud.
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začněte se učit
This book is very thick.
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I don’t read thick books.
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We’re following the yellow thick sign.
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začněte se učit
You looked thin.
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She was tall, over 1.80 cm, but too thin.
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Why are you so thin?
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I don’t have any useful skills.
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Do you have any writing skills?
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I should perfect my skills every day.
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She stamped one bare foot on the ground.
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My foot hurts because my cat bit me.
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Why are your feet so dirty?
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Yesterday I was in the hospital because I have some problems with feet.
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My feet are tired. I need to sit down.
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Watch your feet.
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She wore a necklace made of green beads.
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Every single bead is important.
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On Monday one of my employee left a bead on my desk.
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Take control over something
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Przejąć kontrolę nad czymś
You should take control over
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She has to take control over the world.
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Don’t let anybody take control over your business.
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Aliens take control over the city. NOT Aliens takes, because aliens are plural
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przeciążony, przeładowany
I’m totally overloaded with this situation.
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Children are overloaded with homework.
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She wasn’t overloaded.
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This sticker is dangerous.
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Why did you buy these ugly stickers?
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When I was a child I collected colorful stickers.
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Let me finish telling this story.
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What time does the movie finish?
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I’ve finished drying my hair.
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Tomorrow I’m going to the library to rent some new books.
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You can rent a city bike in Wrocław.
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I need to rent a room.
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Take place
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dziać się
Where does the book take place?
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Where will your wedding take place?
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The action takes place in Madryt.
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The novel was based on his life.
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I like reading adventure novels.
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I’ve never written any novel.
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Angry at somebody
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Zły na kogoś
I’m not angry at you.
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Why are you so angry at me?
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I wonder if he is angry at me.
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The movie has a very simple plot.
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The play had a weak plot.
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Could you tell me more about plot?
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The main character in this film was Alex Honnold.
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Is Harry Potter a fictional character?
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Czy Harry Potter jest postacią fikcyjną?
There were many characters.
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tom (jedna z kilku książek)
The next volume of his books will be published next week.
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I don’t have the second volume.
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I want to read a little volume of poetry.
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To go on holiday
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I’m going on holiday in December.
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Are you going on holiday this year?
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Marta went on holiday in May.
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What happened with your shoelaces?
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I have new shoelaces.
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Your shoelaces are too long.
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I don’t want to spoil her fun.
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My brother always has to spoil everything.
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You spoilt your shoelaces.
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začněte se učit
rozpuszczone na przykład dziecko
She is a strange girl, totally spoilt.
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You aren’t spoilt, lazy and stupid.
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Don’t tell me that I’m spoilt.
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tło, pochodzenie, środowisko
It would be interesting to know your background.
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I don’t know the background of this case.
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There is no historical background for his legend.
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I don’t know what it is, maybe it’s a gasket.
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Why does this gasket is dirty?
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I was late for yoga classes because I had to replace a gasket.
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My mind is like a sponge.
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I tried to clean it with a sponge.
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It’s easier to clean something if you use a sponge.
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She accepted me without question, with all my imperfection.
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I love the imperfection.
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He told me that imperfection is much more interesting than perfection.
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blok, klocek
I need some wooden blocks.
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How many blocks do we need?
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She didn't need blocks.
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Toy block
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klocek (zabawka)
You can use toy blocks to show me how to count.
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Did you have coloured toy blocks?
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People often buy wooden toy blocks for their children.
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How many cloths do you have?
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Can you clean your house without a cloth?
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This cloth will be perfect to clean your computer.
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This year I don’t buy any clothes.
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Where are your clothes?
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How many times a day do you have to change your clothes?
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I’ll find someone as a substitute for me.
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He said ‘John will never be a substitute for anyone’.
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Yesterday I have a substitute in the gym.
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I have to send you a notification that I did my homework.
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Yesterday I received a notification.
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You’ll get an official notification about your ID card.
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To be late
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być spóźnionym
I’Il try not to be late for our English lesson.
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She was late for the bus.
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Do you always have many things on your back?
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My aunt has many things on her back.
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I used to have many things on my back.
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Beetroots are my favourite vegetables.
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Does your sister like beetroots?
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Beetroot was first cultivated by the Romans
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To be popular with somebody
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Być popularnym wśród kogoś
She isn’t popular with kids.
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The teacher is popular with his students.
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Is she popular with friends?
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He dyed his hair last Friday.
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Do you dye your eyebrows?
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My mother doesn’t dye her hair.
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The soloist received beautiful flowers.
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Who is the most popular soloist in the world?
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Does she know any famous soloist?
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začněte se učit
Anna rarely wears skirts.
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Where did you buy this ugly skirt?
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She didn't like skirts.
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I like this skirt. May I try it on?
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How many limbs does it have?
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It has four limbs.
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It doesn’t have 6 limbs.
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The rats have yellow fur.
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My cat has black fur on his back leg.
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Does it have fur?
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začněte se učit
Do you know any domestic animals?
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Dogs are domestic animals.
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My friends have a lot of domestic animals on their farm.
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What do you do with the leftovers?
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Does it eat leftovers?
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I don’t have any leftovers. I ate everything.
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začněte se učit
He told me that he saw ants.
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What kind of ants do you know?
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She couldn't guess that he was talking about ants.
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začněte se učit
You told me that you worked in a warehouse.
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I’ve never worked in a warehouse.
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Does Mick Jagger work in a warehouse?
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I couldn’t work as an accountant.
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My friend isn’t an accountant
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Do you know any good accountant?
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začněte se učit
We divided the prize.
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It’s difficult to divide it without a calculator.
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Can we divide our work?
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začněte se učit
What is your attitude to this case?
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I should change my attitude to work.
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She doesn’t have a good attitude to life.
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At the doctor’s
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u lekarza
Last Friday I was at the doctor’s.
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I don’t know where she is. She’s probably at the doctor’s.
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We’re at the doctor’s right now.
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A 9-5 job
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Do you have a 9 -5 job?
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I have 9 - 5 job.
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I’ve never had a 9-5 job
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My shift ends in an hour.
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Do shiftwork
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praca zmianowa
I hate my job because I need to do shiftwork
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She came back from holiday with a nice tan.
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My sister thinks that tan makes a person look young and healthy.
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I can’t have tan.
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IT specialist
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We employ 15 IT specialists.
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He used to work as an IT specialist.
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Does he work as an IT specialist?
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Around the world
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dookoła świata.
I don’t want to travel around the world.
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Are they popular around the world?
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Would you travel with me around the world?
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I had some problem with this stupid device.
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Can you use this device?
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Does she borrow this device?
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začněte se učit
Don’t ask her obvious questions.
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It wasn’t obvious for her how to use a microphone.
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Your answer wasn't obvious.
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They obviously like each other.
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Obviously you have to do what you think is right.
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Obviously, I’ll look after your cats.
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subscription, contract
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My phone subscription isn’t ending.
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I have two phone subscriptions
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Does she have a good subscription ?.
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I require your attention.
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Does your job require a lot of time?
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I didn’t require anything.
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Twentieth century
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Dwudziesty wiek
Could you tell me about Twentieth century
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What was invented in the Twentieth century?
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It wasn't invented in the Twentieth century.
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Life during the middle-ages wasn’t easy for women.
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It happened in the middle-ages
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Did it happen in the middle-ages?
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Is it used now?
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What did people use it for?
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I have nothing in my defence.
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Do you want to say something in your defence?
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Were they fighting in defence of our country?
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I didn't come here to defend you.
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Why are you defending me?
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I wonder if she defends you.
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What was it made of?
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Z czego to było zrobione?
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Was it heavy?
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I can't carry heavy things.
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Why is it so heavy?
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začněte se učit
I like this shape.
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What shape was it?
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They didn't know those shapes.
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kwadrat, kwadratowe
Last time we sat at the square table.
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Does the square have 4 sides?
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Why are you drawing a square?
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začněte se učit
začněte se učit
začněte se učit
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začněte se učit
What kind of... (sth)... Was it?
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Who was it made by?
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At my friend’s
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u przyjaciółki
At Justyna’s
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u Justyny
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začněte se učit
I blew it
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schrzaniłem, zawaliłem to
Hold an event
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zorganizować wydarzenie
Hold a conference
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Hold a meeting
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Hold a workshop
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Do we have a ladder?
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I'm tall
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I fell off the ladder and hit my head.
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I've just bought a ladder.
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Does your sister like cookies?
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I don't trust people who don't like cookies.
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Last week I ate only one cookie.
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Thin - cienki
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When the ice is thin you have to walk fast.
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Could you cut the tomatoes into thin slices?
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It was a cool day and my coat was very thin.
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‘Miedzianka’ isn’t thick.
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The walls are so thick you can't really hear anything.
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Have you ever read a thick novel?
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At my age
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w moim wieku
You aren’t at my age.
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She was at my age.
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What did she do when she was at my age?
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My former boss had some problem with police.
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Does your former boyfriend live in Wrocław?
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Who was the former Mayor of Wrocław?
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