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otázka odpověď
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watery liquid secreted (produced) ino mouth by glands providing lubrication for chewing and swallowing
disagree with
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(of food, climate, experience) have an adverse, unfavourable effect on sth
feel nauseous
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sick, about to vomit, about to throw up
1) odrętwienie 2) brak czucia
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numbness (loss of sensation)
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gait - manner of walking
urination (syn.)
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problemy podczas oddawania moczu
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problems passing urine/ problems with urination
wstrzymywać oddech
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hold your breath
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bolesne oddawanie moczu, skąpomocz
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dysuria - painful/ difficult urination
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dysphagia - Difficulty swallowing
coś ci zaszkodziło
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something has disagreed with you
zebrać wywiad lekarski
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taking a history
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The action of listening to sounds from the heart, lungs, or other organs, typically with a stethoscope, as a part of medical diagnosis.
osłuchiwanie np klatki piersiowej
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function of sweating / shaking / crying
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1). sweating- cooling the organism down - lowering temperature. 2) shaking - warming on the organism 3) crying - shading ears - cleaning off the surface of the eyes
podwójne widzenie
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diplopia - 'double vision'
dysfazja / zaburzenie mowy
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dysphasia - speech disorder
duszności- trudności z oddychaniem
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dyspnoea- difficult, laboured breathing
pokarmy stałe
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solid food
ciężki oddech
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laboured breathing
przerost np prostaty
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hypertrophy - oversizing
wykwalifikowany pracownik służby zdrowia
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Medical practitioner - any representative of health service qualified on a University Degree level
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National Health Service - NFZ
lekarz pierwszego kontaktu
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a GP (General Practitioner)
grupowa praktyka lekarska (GPL)
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group practice
lekarz praktyk
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clinician - fulfills a function of a medical doctor
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clinician - works in a hospital
surgery vs internal medicine
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(Different system in UK, USA and Australia, surgery may be a seprate study field (Mr or Mrs) while internal medicine (Doctor) you choose at the begining, you don't do specialization after general medicine, like it is in Poland
dermatologia (dermatolog)
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dermatology / dermatologist - specializes in diseases of the skin
reumatologia (reumatolog)
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rheumatology (rheumatologist) - disorders of joints, muscles
traumatologia (traumatolog)
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traumatology (traumatologist) - surgical treatmens of wounds/ injuries caused e.g. by accident
pediatria (pediatra)
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pediatria (pediatrician) - medical care of infants, children, adolescents
położnictwo (lekarz położnik)
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obstetrics (obstetrician) - pregnancy, childbirth, women reproductive system
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qualifee - smb who undergoes a certain process
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thyroid gland
niedoczynność tarczycy
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nadczynność tarczycy
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gruczoły łojowe
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sebaceous glands
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remission - remission refers to 1) A temporary diminution of the severity of disease or pain. 2) the cancellation of a debt, charge, or penalty. 3) reduction of a prison sentence, especially as a reward for good behaviour. 4) forgiveness of sins
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diminution - Refers to a reduction in the size, extent, or Importance of something
obniżka, zmniejszenie (się), redukcja (np. ilości)
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= abdominal
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armpit, axilla
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ból przy wypróżnianiu się
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pain when passing stools
grupowa praktyka lekarska
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group practice
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geriatra, geriatria
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geriatrician, geriatrics
good with (+noun) / good at (+ing)
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good with (+ noun) / good at (+ ing)
She's goot at teaching. She's good with adults.

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