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all but
I've all but finish; just give me a few minutes.
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nearly, almost
all in
I don't think I will go out tonight. I'm all in.
začněte se učit
all told
I've been following the campaign and all told I think the government will win. the election.
začněte se učit
for all
For all his hard work, he didn't get a promotion.
začněte se učit
in spite of
of all people
I've never expected you of all people to say such a thing!
začněte se učit
used to express annoyance
all along
I don't know how they found out, they've known about it all along.
začněte se učit
from the beginning
all the same
He promised to come to the party on Friday; all the same, I don't think we should count on him.
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all the same v angličtině
yet, however
all in all
All in all, it seemed to be quite a good suggestion.
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when everything is considered
for all I know
She told me her name was Joan but for all I know she could be lying.
začněte se učit
as far as I know
for all I care
You can take the whole lot for all I care.
začněte se učit
I don't care

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