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A good salesman can sell anything to anyone; he knows what tricks people usually fall
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University is not like high school; if you fall
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behind on your studies in university, it is very difficult to catch up.
Jennifer had made plans to go to Cuba for the holidays with friends, but her plans fell
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through when her best friend broke her leg.
Heather and Katie had a falling
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out over a boy five years ago. They haven't spoken to each other since then.
Kevin's teacher is very strict. He always demands that his students fall
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in line at the beginning of each class.
Calvin went to culinary (cooking) school to learn a skill that he would always be able to fall
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back on in case his singing career didn't go well.
well off
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having a lot of money
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having a lot of money
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having very little money
hard up
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having very little money
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willing to spend money
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unwilling to spend money
a total rip-off
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$100 for a 10-minute tax ride
That wasn't much of a bargain.
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That wasn't much of a bargain.
I'm going to set aside $200 from my weekly wages. After a year, I'll be able to buy a decent car.
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to save money for a special purpose
The government has decided to allocate $1 billion for improving the country's education system.
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to give a share of available money to a person or organization
Carlo used his restaurant to launder stolen money.
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to make illegal money seem legal
He squander all his savings on parties and holidays.
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to spend money in a wasteful way
I need to find a cash machine to withdraw some money.
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to take money out of your bank account
Paul must be made of money.
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Look at his brand new sports car.
You keep saying you can beat me.
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Why don't you put your money where your mouth is?
Don't be so wasteful!
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Money doesn't grow on trees, you know.
Save some money for a rainy day.
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Don't spend it all at once.
Julia spends money like water.
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She goes shopping almost everyday.

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