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watching something and like this very much začněte se učit
to say true about done something začněte se učit
to make ad, post something, say something loud to others začněte se učit
for example visit to a doctor začněte se učit
around specific amount; almost specific amount začněte se učit
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add some files or documents to some contract začněte se učit
be no so smart or have old attitudes začněte se učit
lose permission to do something or to block someone začněte se učit
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people do this for kings or currently in some cultures to important person začněte se učit
a problem or to make a problem to someone začněte se učit
when someone dies one need to ... him; this mean also to hid something začněte se učit
floor under roof and also upper wall of room začněte se učit
return broken product or want refund from bad service začněte se učit
verb connected with conclusion začněte se učit
you burn this in stove during winter začněte se učit
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small house, vacation house začněte se učit
you go there when you want justice začněte se učit
without any stops, without any conductors začněte se učit
when I defined something than this would be... začněte se učit
to start going out by plane or car - simply leave some place začněte se učit
when one have problems to do action but finally one done this začněte se učit
instrument to create some music, one have to hit in this by special sticks začněte se učit
something what formally person should to have - for example by law regulations začněte se učit
your hard working; using a lot of energy to done something začněte se učit
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to make a control or some exam začněte se učit
to be excited about something začněte se učit
for example art ... To present set of arts. začněte se učit
to make something more advance, to upgrade something or discover something začněte se učit
when I expect some result than this result is... začněte se učit
try to make one want this začněte se učit
to make people happy; make them interested about some case začněte se učit
Pleasurable thing or interesting for person. For example concerts or festivals. začněte se učit
want to accept something; agree with something; people can use this to make asking for. začněte se učit
small walls, used to divide territory or private ground začněte se učit
can be a small river which transfer water to for example see začněte se učit
fat people have this on belly; also to compress something (verb) začněte se učit
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to make someone feel fear začněte se učit
be kind for others; could spend more money on something začněte se učit
alum; type of additionally study; to finish study začněte se učit
graduate (noun & adj & verb)
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to call someone by a range; name of some content from newspaper začněte se učit
to have power to make people do something; strong hit začněte se učit
inside; in some room or building začněte se učit
to achieve precise effect on something/someone začněte se učit
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to be focused on something začněte se učit
to show some direction; to mark something/someone začněte se učit
with conductors or some stops; one does not say precisely what he thinks začněte se učit
to make some hard decision about someone; this person works in court and gives decisions about actions začněte se učit
to rest; one does this before sleeping začněte se učit
this is falling down from tries during falls začněte se učit
resting for example on vacations začněte se učit
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this is happening on ground when is running začněte se učit
something which must be done začněte se učit
you need this to repair cloths začněte se učit
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someone or something different začněte se učit
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white face because someone feel weak, or not a lot of sun začněte se učit
to prepare scrambled eggs on this začněte se učit
transfer liquid to for example cup začněte se učit
you are saying this when you pray začněte se učit
to make someone convinced about something začněte se učit
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when you put some sentence from other text začněte se učit
to use some quotation; shorter name for quotation začněte se učit
to wait for your turn; set of people waiting začněte se učit
to want something; to want some results začněte se učit
leave work and receive pension začněte se učit
tell something about some topic or strongly connected with this topic. These two things... začněte se učit
examine and make corrections or alterations to (written or printed matter). "the book was published in 1960 and ... in 1968" začněte se učit
considered in relation or in proportion to something else. "the ... effectiveness of the various mechanisms is not known" (adj) a person connected by blood or marriage. "much of my time is spent visiting ..." (noun) začněte se učit
consistently good in quality or performance; able to be trusted. "a ... source of information" (adj) a ... person or thing. "the supporting cast includes old ... like Mitchell" (noun) začněte se učit
having an uneven or irregular surface; not smooth or level (adj) in a manner that lacks gentleness; harshly or violently (adverb) (on a golf course) longer grass around the fairway and the green (noun) začněte se učit
rough (adj & adverb & noun)
continue to exist, especially after other similar people or things have ceased to do so. "a cloister is all that ... of the monastery" začněte se učit
the upper layer of earth in which plants grow, a black or dark brown material typically consisting of a mixture of organic remains, clay, and rock particles. "blueberries need very acid ..." začněte se učit
a long, thin piece of something. "a ... of dynamite" začněte se učit
a flat length of wood or other rigid material, attached to a wall or forming part of a piece of furniture, that provides a surface for the storage or display of objects. začněte se učit
an explosive artillery projectile or bomb. "the sound of the ... passing over, followed by the explosion" (noun) začněte se učit
a thing that one sees or that can be seen. "John was a familiar ... in the bar for many years" (noun) manage to see or observe (someone or something); catch an initial glimpse of. "tell me when you ... London Bridge" (verb) začněte se učit
right or appropriate for a particular person, purpose, or situation. "these toys are not ... for children under five" začněte se učit
a stock or amount of something ... or available for use. "a farm with good water ..." (noun) make (something needed or wanted) available to someone; provide. "the farm ... apples to cider makers" (verb) začněte se učit
the hindmost part of an animal, especially when prolonged beyond the rest of the body, such as the flexible extension of the backbone in a vertebrate, the feathers at the hind end of a bird, or a terminal appendage in an insect začněte se učit
any of the five digits at the end of the human foot. "he cut his big ... on a sharp stone" (noun) walk with the ... pointed in (or out). "he ... out when he walks" (verb) začněte se učit
a narrow strip of material, as used to hold or fasten something. "a reel of ..." (noun) začněte se učit
regularly or frequently behave in a particular way or have a certain characteristic. "written language ... to be formal" začněte se učit
a journey for pleasure in which several different places are visited. "a motoring ... of Scotland" (noun) make a ... of (an area). "he decided to ... France" (verb) začněte se učit
a portable shelter made of cloth, supported by one or more poles and stretched tight by cords or loops attached to pegs driven into the ground. začněte se učit
adverb for that reason; consequently. "he was injured and ... unable to play" začněte se učit
conjunction despite the fact that; although. "... they were speaking in undertones, Percival could hear them" adverb however (indicating that a factor qualifies or imposes restrictions on what was said previously) začněte se učit
though (conjunction & adverb)
preposition in every part of (a place or object). "the event had repercussions ... Europe" adverb in every part of a place or object. "the house is in good order ..." začněte se učit
throughout (preposition & adverb)
noun 1. a silvery-white metal, the chemical element of atomic number 50. začněte se učit
noun a rubber covering, typically inflated or surrounding an inflated inner tube, placed round a wheel to form a soft contact with the road. "she had got a flat ... while driving home" začněte se učit
preposition different from; not similar to. "a large house not ... Mr Shah's" adjective dissimilar or different from each other. "they seemed utterly ..., despite being twins" začněte se učit
unlike (preposition & adjective)
adjective lacking the skill, means, or opportunity to do something. "she was ... to conceal her surprise" začněte se učit
adjective not ... to happen, be done, or be true; improbable. "an ... explanation" začněte se učit
preposition more formal term for on, especially in abstract senses. "it was based ... two principles" začněte se učit
make (someone) unhappy, disappointed, or worried. "the accusation ... her" (verb) an unexpected result or situation. "the greatest ... in boxing history" (noun) unhappy, disappointed, or worried. "she looked pale and ..." (adj) začněte se učit
upset (verb & noun & adj)
verb inform someone in advance of a possible danger, problem, or other unpleasant situation. "his father had ... him of what might happen" začněte se učit
noun 1. (in a bird) a modified forelimb that bears large feathers and is used for flying. 2. a rigid horizontal structure that projects from both sides of an aircraft and supports it in the air. začněte se učit
inside 1.: in or into the interior: inside. 2.: in one's inner thought, disposition, or character: inwardly začněte se učit
verb 1. find out how heavy (someone or something) is, typically using scales. "... yourself on the day you begin the diet" začněte se učit
adjective of the poorest quality or the lowest standard; least good or desirable. "he was the company's ... driver" adverb most severely or seriously. noun the most serious or unpleasant thing that could happen. verb get the better of; defeat. začněte se učit
worst (adj & adverb & noun & verb)
conjunction expressing a doubt or choice between alternatives. "he seemed undecided ... to go or stay" začněte se učit
noun 1. a unit of linear measure equal to 3 feet (0.9144 metre). "a full skirt that took twenty ... of cloth" 2. a cylindrical spar, tapering to each end, slung across a ship's mast for a sail to hang from. začněte se učit
noun 1. a large piece of woollen or similar material used as a covering on a bed or elsewhere for warmth. adjective covering all cases or instances; total and inclusive. verb 1. cover completely with a thick layer of something. začněte se učit
blanket (noun & adj & verb)
courageous and daring not hesitating or fearful in the face of actual or possible danger or rebuff; courageous and daring: a ... hero začněte se učit
noun an act or instance of dropping or detonating a bomb somewhere. "a series of terrorist ..." začněte se učit
noun 1. an agreement between two or more people or groups as to what each will do for the other. "... between political parties supporting the government" verb 1. negotiate the terms and conditions of a transaction. začněte se učit
noun 1. a relationship between people or groups based on shared feelings, interests, or experiences. verb 1. join or be joined securely to something else, especially by means of an adhesive substance, heat, or pressure. začněte se učit
verb walk or run with leaping strides. "Louis came ... down the stairs" noun a leaping movement towards or over something. "I went up the steps in two effortless ..." začněte se učit
noun 1. a small rectangular block typically made of fired or sun-dried clay, used in building. verb 1. block or enclose with a wall of bricks. "the doors have been ... up" začněte se učit
verb 1. carry the weight of; support. "the bees form large colonies and need the thick branches of tall trees to ... the weight of their nests" 2. endure (an ordeal or difficulty). "she ... the pain stoically" začněte se učit
adverb for a short time; fleetingly. "he worked ... as a lawyer" using few words; concisely. "as I ... mentioned earlier" začněte se učit
adjective 1. having a distance larger than usual from side to side; wide. "a ... staircase" 2. covering a large number and wide scope of subjects. "the company has a ... range of experience" začněte se učit
noun an organization that transmits a programme or information by radio or television. "the ... aired the news item on Tuesday" a person who presents a radio or television transmission. "the veteran ... put everyone at their ease" začněte se učit
verb past and past participle of bend1. adjective 1. sharply curved or having an angle. "a piece of ... wire" noun a natural talent or inclination. "a man of a religious ..." začněte se učit
noun 1. the male of some horned animals, especially the fallow deer, roe deer, reindeer, and antelopes. verb 1. (of a horse) to perform a ... "he's got to get his head down to ..." adjectiveMILITARY SLANG•US lowest of a particular rank. "a ... private" začněte se učit
preposition 1. at or to the further side of. "he pointed to a spot ... the trees" adverb 1. at or to the further side of something. "from south of Dortmund as far as Essen and ..." noun the unknown, especially in references to life after death. začněte se učit
beyond (preposition & adverb & noun)
noun 1. a number of things, typically of the same kind, growing or fastened together. "a ... of grapes" verb collect or fasten into a compact group. "she ... the needles together" začněte se učit
... is a tendency to prefer one person or thing to another, and to favour that person or thing začněte se učit
adjective 1. having the ability, fitness, or quality necessary to do or achieve a specified thing. "I'm quite ... of taking care of myself" 2. able to achieve efficiently whatever one has to do; competent. "she looked enthusiastic and ..." začněte se učit
verb 1. take into one's possession or control by force. "the island was ... by Australian forces in 1914" noun the action of capturing or of being captured. "the ... of the city" začněte se učit
verb 1. cause (light or shadow) to appear on a surface. "the moon ... a pale light over the cottages" noun 1. an object made by shaping molten metal or similar material in a mould. "bronze ... of the sculpture" začněte se učit
adj existing in a material or physical form. noun a building material made from a mixture of broken stone or gravel and water, which can be spread or poured into moulds and forms a mass resembling stone on hardening začněte se učit
adjective 1. aware of and responding to one's surroundings. "although I was in pain, I was ..." začněte se učit
a careful preservation and protection of something. especially: planned management of a natural resource to prevent exploitation, destruction, or neglect. water ... wildlife... začněte se učit
adjective notably large in size, amount, or extent. "a position of ... influence" (of a person) having merit or distinction. "Snow was a limited, but still ..., novelist" začněte se učit
noun firm conviction that something is the case. "she knew with absolute ... that they were dead" začněte se učit
noun 1. a person chosen to preside over a meeting. "the ... of the conference" začněte se učit